How I escaped the giant Tesheti Bee!

How I escaped the giant Tesheti bee In a land far far away there once lived the most peculiar species of bee that has ever been seen or heard. It was the size of a tennis ball and its giant bumbling body was striped in golden yellow and black. So it was very easy to see from afar. This bee however couldn’t fly very well or very long. So it would hitch hike on top of a head. Now this head could be the head of a cow or a goat or a dog… but at times it could be a human head that it took a liking too. And once it settled on that head it was very very difficult to get off. Because this giant teshiti bee you see had a very poisonous venom that if it stung you with its giant stronger…you would surely die a most excruciating and hallucinating death. There was simply no cure. Now you might be thinking that all you had to do was to catch it by surprise and smash it with a shovel thereby crushing it in an instant. But that would be very foolish you see… because the gian...