
Showing posts from February, 2023


My 7th Wife- Wednesday 22nd February, 2023 Most people think that marriage is so difficult that they never get married these days.  And yet with marriage comes an incredible blessing. An opportunity to give HOPE to the world.  Often when we think it is impossible to ever love again…we think life is over and its best just to go from one meaningless relationship to another… never committing. Never really evolving…just existing..never succeeding because you are just afraid to fail yet again… and so you give up on TRUE LOVE…you give up on marriage itself because you think its just a piece of paper of an institution…  In fact in the last 30 years we have gone back to poly amori – or multiple lovers or partners to show that one man and one woman just doesn’t work. But that isn’t so… in fact its only because we stop trying to climb the sacred mountain that we never come to the peak again… never experience that rarified air again… never get there… in fact our freedom becomes redefined an