My 7th Wife- Wednesday 22nd February, 2023
Most people think that marriage is so difficult that they never get married these days. 

And yet with marriage comes an incredible blessing. An opportunity to give HOPE to the world. 

Often when we think it is impossible to ever love again…we think life is over and its best just to go from one meaningless relationship to another… never committing. Never really evolving…just existing..never succeeding because you are just afraid to fail yet again… and so you give up on TRUE LOVE…you give up on marriage itself because you think its just a piece of paper of an institution…

 In fact in the last 30 years we have gone back to poly amori – or multiple lovers or partners to show that one man and one woman just doesn’t work. But that isn’t so… in fact its only because we stop trying to climb the sacred mountain that we never come to the peak again… never experience that rarified air again… never get there… in fact our freedom becomes redefined and NOT to have responsibility or to be beholden to one partner means that there are many loves out there who can satisfy different parts of the soul and there is no need to marry or be married anymore..and it is an outdated model of society to found itself on.

 That in fact true love exists wherever and whenever you find it…and its all transcendental. But if so… why then do we get married? My first wife was Matilda Bostrom from Gavle in Sweden. It was also my first love. 

We met in Tokyo in Japan in 1989. I was young and adventurous and totally in love with this girl..that everyone wanted… she was a librarian turned model with a perfect shaped body and blond hair. And everyone in the hotel we stayed called Yoshida House wanted her. But I got her. 

She became my love and we joined hearts and hands and minds ..and travelled together through Asia to India and Thailand and Hong Kong and later we went to her house in Sweden and she to my house in England. We had s many adventures together and I wrote so much poetry about her.

 In fact when we broke up I kept her photo in my wallet for 6 years. But we were two different people when at home. She got pregnant – had an abortion and we split up. We wanted two different things. She wasn’t ready or willing to become a mother. My second wife was Monika Goss from Lodz and I only met her a few times. I was asked by a good friend to intervene to help a love story to continue…and because I believe in true love...I agreed.

 I never got a penny from this marriage but the satisfaction I was helping two souls in love to stay in the same place. In fact we never consummated the marriage. Our marriage was in a registry and my naivety at the time I sadly paid for later. She and he split and I was saddled with the complex work of dissolving the union. Which I did.

 Thanks to a book I bought in a shop I was able to do a do it yourself divorce without an expensive lawyer. We got divorced on a Friday… and I handed the paper to her in Poland where my bus stopped for 15 minutes and that was it. 

But freedom did not last too long... 

On the Monday I married my 3rd wife- Ewelina Anna Sienczak. We were in love. It was a spiritual meeting in France and I visited her in her home village of Humniska in Poland where she lived. We were so much in love that we travelled against all odds to England and then to Israel… - without a plane ticket… it was a story of miracles which ended 12 years later in tragedy. 

A tragedy that scarred my heart and made me believe it is impossible to love again. We had three children- Jeremias – Anastasia and Nicole… I never thought it was possible ever to stand on the peak of love again. But I was wrong. I met another woman by the name of Pavla Cveckova.

 A woman I connected with on a very deep level that was profound in every way. She was the first woman that actually took the time to write a poem to me. I was honored by it.

 We inspired each other to go beyond our comfort zones to our fearless level as she would call it. By challenging each other we pushed each other to accomplish things we would not normally have done alone. I still am grateful to her for her life. But she was an individualist and as such her road and journey led her to not be married.

 But for the time we were together we were married in ALL things except on paper. In fact all she is today is because of our interaction in this intense period together. My 5th wife was Bozena Chrapek we actually got married in the living room of pastor paddy- an irish evangelical preacher living in London. It too was a beautiful relationship of true love. 

We got together in a hair salon while she was practising to be an opera singer. I said…if you can sing “Once upon a time in the west… the theme song by Enni Morriocone..I will marry you. She was in her early thirties and very fit. She cycled to work each day… and one morning we left the hair salon completely out of it after a night of love and said to the incoming worker.. we decided to get married. 

But as intense as this relationship was.. it was to end tragically – she got pregnant – had a girl- Susanna I believe ( I never got to hold this child in my arms- but only to see her from 10 metres in a carry cot) – and went back to her weight lifter boyfriend of before… I think it could have been many things.. perhaps my cigarette smoking- perhaps because of my travelling lifestyle.. who knows.. but it just didn’t work out and heart broken I gave up on ever feeling true love again. The mountain was too high to climb..and I fell back into deep depression… at one point I really thought I would die from a broken heart… it was that bad.. I felt tangible pains in my heart… And to cure that brokenness I went to Kenya in 2018 and went on Tinder.

 I got 5000 matches. So I wasn’t so bad after all it seemed. I filtered that 5000 women down by interviewing them and slept with around 50 . I then scientifically and mathematically got it down to 5 and finally…to ONE. And her name was Lorna("Daz" Matalanga).

 She too was around 29 or 30.Her father had been the deputy police chief of Kenya and her brother was and is the head of the local intelligence services. She came from a good family. And she was an incredible lover. There was nothing she would not do. In fact some of the things she did do I can’t even speak about suffice to say …she was good. I realised this was going to be as good as it gets…and she was pregnant…

 I thought with my child..- but as it turned out… she had at the time of conception been with another white guy… But I gave myself up to being married once again to sanctify her and we decided to be married beneath a waterfall dressed in white below Mount Kilimanjaro. I was prepared to accept the child whether it was mine or not… and in fact I sent her money for some time to come each month. It was an amazing ceremony complete with singers and dancers and video and everything…except food.

 And by the end of the day….we were all famished and we made our way through the muddy grounds back to the pastors house to eat the feast that was prepared for us…. But the priest kept asking for money… and finally- with everyone asking for money..I decided to leave..I simply said.. “FUCK THIS…“-and walked away….Found a bar and had a few drinks to steady my nerves. 

 The next day I met the mother and we tried to make a deal- but I felt under duress and decided it was not worth keeping this agreement because I did not agree to paying thousands of dollars to get married… it is common in Africa… thinking back now if I had known she was committed with an open heart to our marriage I would have suited to this ritual. Despite being against it. 

I asked her.. “ Do you love me? – And she replied after a pause… “ I don’t Know!” – and this I believe was because eat the end of the day… it comes to custom and tradition not pure open hearted love. The muslims have got this right from the social point of view and to get married they involve the entire family and they try to make sure you are secure before you jump in the bed with their virgin daughter… And so I travelled again. The child – which I wanted to call “MOJA “- meaning ONE… but was in fact called “TYLER”- which is not my decision at all… was born on the 13th of September 2019 – but even then- I am not sure… the previous was born sometime in 2017. It is another tragic page in my life story...trying to reach perfection in true love… and so I again continued to serve humanity and I began to accept I would never reach this mountain top again… And yes… its easy to give up at this stage and become cynical. 

I even had a short story in 2021 with an Egyptian woman named AYA- only 25 years old - I met her quite by accident. She was a receptionist at a hospital. Her English was almost non existent but we communicated in short words and google translate. Technically we got married but it was a paper marriage and once again I was saddled with so many demands by the family that I felt it just wasn't worth it and abandoned the idea after only a few weeks. I guess that would make her No.7 - but 7 is a symbol of catching the right wave. And if you dont catch keep trying and you keep waiting for it. Just like Papillon - who escaped on a boat of coconuts- he waited for the right wave to take him out to the ocean... even if its wife no 50 ... it dont matter. The important thin g is to keep the faith. Dont lose hope. The right one will come.

 But in 2022 love came knocking on my door again… quite unexpectedly. Her name was and is… Uliana Bashkina or Lana /Luna from Ukraine. She was a refugee from the war against Russia in Donbas and she was only 20 years old. Had I not intervened when I did...this might have been a different story. A very dark one. But I did. And today ..she will become my "7th wife!"- And despite out different ages and backgrounds… we connected on a very deep level and climbed the summit of true love once more. It is impossible to believe that we can extend and expand our hearts and make a room available and renovated once more. To know our story is quite incredible... 

I was organising an intergalactic rainbow gathering in the desert of Sinai. It was to declare PEACE in ALL the world ..all the dimensions..and all the universes… to EVERY being. And it was here that I met up in a place called Dahab… this lost soul … and together we found our home in the hearts that burned with the fire of God within us as we hugged each other. Our healing- our traumas and our pain were all shared at once and we became whole by being together on many levels and many timelines… It was as if God had mercy on our souls and brought us together for such a time as as her father… her mentor..and her husband.. and she as my woman and my wife.

 By showing that it is possible to believe that LOVE has no boundaries..and no limitations… that it is not sex that brings us together.. but love.. that we can go beyond our depression and our suicidal thoughts and raise our tone levels to a point of the love vibration.. to divine consciousness on the emotional tone scale… and see that we can be a witness to the redeeming love of Jesus.

 It was for me an amazing revelation after I had lost hope completely of ever experiencing this again..that this was a marriage… a true marriage or of joining together of two souls into ONE.. that the two may become ONE. That I was so grateful. So thankful. So appreciative of the fact that Love DOESN’T LIMIT ITSELF TO ONE PERSON… yet in our commitment to each other… we say to the world…that TRUE LOVE is possible. That together we can SHINE again… against all the odds..against all the criticisms … against all the accusations..against all the injustices ..against all the sins..against all the wrongs that life itself throws at us… that we truly can be resurrected again to believe in our heart of hearts that it is possible to be happy once more… And sexually it is not about sex but about connection..about feeling the other… about seeing the other… about knowing the other intimately and listening to the other.. loving the other as Christ himself loves us… it truly is an opportunity to redeem the time and the wasted life of mediocrity. Because deep down we all believe in true matter how many partners we have or try. We all wish to experience this feeling of safety…security and HOME in the arms of the other…when Life becomes boring and mundane – which is sometimes necessary for us to ground our flying souls… we can really be thankful to someone who cares… about you.

 And that like catching the 7th wave… is what the summit of true love is all about. If we fail we fail because we stop trying to succeed. But if we succeed in our quest for the highest emotion..the highest vibration… it is because deep down inside of us there is a seeker that truly seeks truth. And this is the way of the heart. This is what I believe.

 "THE FUTURE IS OURS! It belongs to the starchildren...the ones that shine even in hopeless darkness.Those that live in fear shall die in it."- I wrote this in 2012. And today it is even more true than when I wrote it first. Our vision is to be a HOPE to the victims of the war in Ukraine one day. To show it is possible to rebuild the INNER MAN from the ashes of total war.Just as Nehemiah rebuilt Jerusalem's walls - we can rebuild the temple of God in Mans heart like Jesus did on the day of resurrection. On the third day He rose again..he conquered death itself and set the captives FREE... from the hell they were living in within themselves. And if God rebuilds the house then the labourers do not labour in vain. THIS is the WELLBEING that surpasses all understanding..the peace of God. It is this hope that is in the womb of the woman - the temple and the holy of holies that carried the son of God in the person of Miriam. ( Mary)

To rebuild the temple of the Holy Spirit in MAN and in WOMAN we need to repair the wounds of war... a war that fights against the truth of God. To bring in the Shekinah- the Glory of God to the temples of our own hearts.

And thus to the world.

A truth that sets the captives free... for He that is set free... is free indeed.. and this is our hope..our seventh wave... the wave that will take us to freedom. Freedom in Christ. That LOVE- AGAPE - GOD LOVE is the highest vibration in every universe. That Divine SUPREME Love is the GOD vibration that heals every heart in every world.It is the 50th tone level.

 It matters not your colour or gender...your age or your race. It matters only that you LOVE each other unconditionally as God loved Mankind when he sent His only son Jesus Christ to Earth to die for our sins. amen!



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