EL PEREGRINO - The real pilgrim of the Compostela
I once only three or four years ago was at the doorway to the next world... I Had been poisoned in Africa and the doctors had lost all hope of how to fix me. So I went to Morocco as a last try. To get stung by bees, eat hashoil and die... But it was a time I had to draw my inner strength and morph into something else . Something I wasn't. To survive. To live. And through this morphing I survived and was able to walk again against all the odds. I LIVED. And immediately I went to thank God by walking the Compostela de Santiago. They say on the Camino you meet the strangest of persons ... But on my camino I met only one I shall never forget. It is here that I met El Peregrino. The pilgrim. Another teacher. " Because we constantly learn. We constantly also teach others. Every teacher is also learning at the same time as he is teaching. It never stops. The act of teaching is also the act of learning. " ALV. The pilgrim told me his story. My good fortune. For he...