Eating GOOD - what does the bible say ??


1. The Philosophy of Eating Good - from a Monotheistic point of view πŸ™πŸ½

A lot of people in the Polytheistic movements such as the New Age or Hinduism are vegan or vegetarian. Even trans- polytheism such as Buddhism which neither believes in one or many but an entire reality  - sees living beings as sacred entities of the whole of life therefore to be valued  ..And all ways  are a healthy way to eat.πŸ™πŸ½ But what is the MONO-theistic viewpoint of eating ? From Islam - Judaism or Christianity or even Creationism? What do they really think .. and is it any better ? πŸ––

These are the words of God: 

"Everything that LIVES and MOVES about will be FOOD for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you EVERYTHING.

4 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. 5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. "

Genesis 9. 

So this is the bottom line. No blood. So it's ALL food except animals with blood still pumping in it's veins.

 The Masai drink blood of cows. Biblically.. that's wrong. It's a cultural thing they are doing and as a way to sustain themselves . But it's unnecessary. Personally, as a monotheistic person.. I would abstain unless I had nothing to eat or was forced to or was trying to integrate into the tribe But the practice is not allowed according to the Word of God. However, all things on Earth have been given for us to eat... 

We can eat anything!!!

Genesis 9.

That includes snakes and perhaps even insects. Although it may not be possible since they have their lifeblood in them. Fish is also ok. And a great source of keratin and protein. 

In our rainbow gatherings and in many eco communities we go overboard with what we eat forgetting that all of it has been given for food. It's really common sense. In many things vegetable diets are better. But it's not a hard and fast rule. Sometimes our body may need animal.products. Simple. Eating is not a religion. True spirituality is how we eat that food. With mindfulness. With patience. With Thanksgiving... And with prayer. 

And yes.. we pray before we eat something.we give Thanksgiving to the Creator. In fact some Buddhists eat meat and do the same. But to the life of the being that was sacrificed.  

 It appears in the begining everything was vegetarian in the garden of Eden. But after Noah.. it changed and it became more of a free for all. 

But it didn't stop people from being healthy. Yet in the time if Daniel he refused meat and only ate vegetables and was after a week or so ... More healthy. So it's all about health. There are no scientific or religious reasons to stop you from eating meat. 

He didn't eat the choice meats. But plain old vegetables. 

The life of a Yogi may infer you eat only vegetables.

 But it negates Gods commands. You are not asked to be a vegetarian in the bible. Full stop. 

If for health reasons we do not eat meat then it's good. And this is the ONLY reason not to eat meat. 

But when we combine this with the worship and practice of Indian gods.. then it's probably wrong. However, some don't see it that way. In the end...

It's a personal.choice! 

As a Traveller I give thanks for whatever is put before me in Love. I can say I do not have any DIS- eases and am quite healthy. 

But if I need to fast for awhile from meats or from food itself- I gladly do so because it generates white blood cells which are good for strengthening the immune system. πŸ™πŸ½

But in The end.  It's all about HOW you eat.. and not WHAT you eat if you include if course everything available. That's organic. Natural and wholesome. It makes no sense to starve yourself into unhealthiness or anorexia. 

Remember Gods words. Everything is given to you to eat.  Everything. It's how you eat it that counts. With prayer. With Thanksgiving. With sanctification. And with wisdom. You don't eat white sugar and bread all day long. And excessive meat and cakes. That's stupid. 

Understanding your role in this Earth you do not feel guilty for what you eat. This is wrong. God has given all of it for food. It's there for our benefit. It's simply a health choice not to eat all of it everyday. πŸ––


2. What should we Eat? πŸ˜‡

Genesis 2:29-30..." And God said , behold , I have given you every HERB bearing SEED, which is upon the face of all the Earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding SEED ; to you it shall be for MEAT.  

And to every beast of the Earth ,and to every fowl of the air ,and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth ,wherein there is life, I have given every GREEN HERB for MEAT , and it was so..." 

Commentary : The bible/ Torah in Genesis in these two verses speaks about what Man should eat.🫢

 TWICE is mentioned the word "HERB" and the word "SEED"and "MEAT" and once the word "GREEN". Animals and birds are mentioned once only.  πŸ’“ The importance therefore is for us to be focussed on a plant based diet with occasional flesh of animals. 

Herbs like animals are included in our diet. Although some might read it as secondary in importance.

 God created EVERY (green) herb bearing SEED for us to use as meat. He used the word HERB in the first verse pertaining to Man and in the second to the animals and birds . 🫢

In fact there is no order to eat meat itself but the closest it comes to this is " having dominion over". In other scriptures later on we eat flesh. But in the beginning it's all about fruits and herbs with seeds. 

He states our eating habits clearly for our instruction. Our benefit. 

He repeats it. In fact. 

Its to "consume"- meat . For food. To enjoy. Some may want to smoke it?  πŸ™„ Others not. But it's for us to use. This is the broader definition of " meat " - 

Others may wish to drink it. But in this context .. it's grown for us to EAT- To nourish us. But again.. this is open to personal interpretation... πŸ™Œ

The word "MEAT " specifically means to "digest for bodily consumption". For the benefit of the body. TO EAT. 

How that is consumed is up for debate. But eating seeds and leaves are not really fulfilling ones appetite. Even just fruit. Later it mentions what not to eat in Deuteronomy. And later in the New Testament ref to blood. ( Don't eat ) 

Yet it is mentioned in these verses what to eat twice. The author talks about fruit bearing seeds which we shall ALSO eat. πŸ™πŸΌeg apples, oranges , tomatoes etc 

The takeaway from this is that cannabis is a herb that was created by God for us to CONSUME. As meat.Its not bad. It's not wrong. It has been given to us to use. πŸ™πŸΌamen. 

 It is NOT forbidden by God but ordained by God.In the Holy Scriptures. It's in the Word. 

 It's not a bark! 

It's not a mushroom!

It's not a root!πŸ™πŸΌ


 Therefore, it's OK to consume it as eat it. .. cultivate it and plant it.

 It's Gods WORDS. The Torah.  God's laws.Gods plan -Amen. It's not against the law. 

In fact in the world it's a miracle herb that can save us from global warming and climate disasters ...πŸ’“

Hemp satisfies all 17 of the UN sustainability goals. It can be used to manufacture 50000 products and it's seeds can be used for food to keep us alive!- It grows in every climate with little water and is stronger than steel or concrete  more biodegradable than plastic and better for pain relief than pharmaceuticals. It has the power to turn an economy around and MAKE POVERTY HISTORY. Therefore ...

Who is right ? - and who is wrong ? 

Postnote : 

Genesis 2: 16-17 : "And the Lord God commanded the man,saying ...of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat , but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" 

Some say this forbidden tree is cannabis. But again .. this is not true.

 Cannabis is a GREEN HERB.  With seeds. It's NOT a tree or a fruit...and it grows everywhere in the world. 

Its a HERB. And it is for our SAFE consumption. It's in the Word of's Gods law.  Amen πŸ™πŸΌ


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