
Showing posts from July, 2024

Crimes against HUMANITY vs Crimes against GOD !

  There seems to be a giant battle of minds and moralities and ethics and conscience going on today. We are all being challenged to take sides. To point the finger and say..this one is evil or that one is wrong or bad. I personally dont subscribe to the new age way of thinking either that says ...there is no bad or good wrong or right or evil or whatever... its all one. I have in my own experience of life seen good in every kind of person even the worst kind of person and believe me I have seen the very worst and the most ugly of them too. But i need to believe in something and I have chosen to believe in the bible as it is written as well as it is meant. In context and out.  Some people might of course say that it is archaic out dated like the Koran and has no bearing on where we are today as society. But again I believe that too is a narrow view and a limited narrative.There are book readers and very knowledgeable people around that work as scientist and professors and teachers. But