Crimes against HUMANITY vs Crimes against GOD !


There seems to be a giant battle of minds and moralities and ethics and conscience going on today. We are all being challenged to take sides. To point the finger and say..this one is evil or that one is wrong or bad. I personally dont subscribe to the new age way of thinking either that says ...there is no bad or good wrong or right or evil or whatever... its all one. I have in my own experience of life seen good in every kind of person even the worst kind of person and believe me I have seen the very worst and the most ugly of them too. But i need to believe in something and I have chosen to believe in the bible as it is written as well as it is meant. In context and out. 

Some people might of course say that it is archaic out dated like the Koran and has no bearing on where we are today as society. But again I believe that too is a narrow view and a limited narrative.There are book readers and very knowledgeable people around that work as scientist and professors and teachers. But again for me it is all about consciousness and the acceleration of consciousness to reach clear understanding and truth itself. That comes to me as I travel the world and I have been doing this intensely for 42 year of my life from the age of 19. In fact if I was to say too that my travels began from the age of 8 months soon after my birth in Croydon in England travelling would probably account for a good percentage of my short life on this planet. 

What I can say is that I have learnt more from being on the road and accelerated my conscientiousness faster than if I had been sitting at a desk. I believe in the universal human rights and other bill of rights that guaranteed more equality amongst human beings . But that is not what i want to say. I also believe that God said to Moses once upon a time when asked by him on the mountain.. WHO ARE YOU?

And God answered ..." I AM WHO I AM!" In other words God is God.In this world we live in there is really only one decision  we must make... not whose side we are on... Manchester united or Liverpoool ..BUT  do we believe that God is right AND JUST AND FAIR -all the time?!!!

Are we on Gods side or the Worlds side. 

In Greece when a man wants to become a monk and dedicate himself to a life of prayer he says: "DEATH TO THE WORLD!"

( Three times) 

So if you look again at the history of the jewish people coming into the holy land and crossing the river jordan...the hebrews they were known were given clear instructions via joshua.. " Clear the land ! This I have allocated for you. Its yours. 

And for 3000 years or more there has been an unbroken line of jewish people - the original ones were probably darker skinned like the Misrahi or sephadim jews but to be a jew you must have a connection to the holy land that God - YAHOWAH has given to the first hebrews. And some of those hebrews later became christians and herodotus the historian called this land after the remnant that joshua did not clear... the philistines or coast dwellers. and it became latinised to assyria - palestinia. When titus destroyed jerusalem and dispersed all the jews- as an insult to their religion the name palestine continued. But in ARABIC BIBLES it was always known on the maps as CANAAN or JUDEA. The white jews or ashkenazis that were converted in the Khazar times were the forefront of the movement to return to jerusalem known today as zionism. But it was always the prayer since 70 AD by the jewish nation in the diaspora to return to the promised land. And after the terrible holocaust ..return they did. And they defeated their enemies in war legally and re occupied the land they were originally thrown from. 

this is what they always repeated ...

'NEXT YEAR JERUSALEM !" until it was manifested . 

In 1948. Transjordan was the eastern part of the mandate given to the british and was labelled TRANSJORDAN and then JORDAN. This was meant to be the arab state of PALESTINE. But it became JORDAN. 

WHY? its anyone's guess. However... now we are faced with the same struggle but inverted. I know many unhappy stories of beautiful people who identift with the nation of palestine... but it have to be a place also recognised but on its own territory. And the only partner to this solution is the Jordanian kingdom f they so wish it to be. But it CANNOT be on land that God has given. That would be a crime against God Himself!

Is it right to kill maim and rape innocents? even though they are brain washed... as Mandela once said... no one is born to hate ..we are taught to.  We learn to hate. But we are BORN to love.

As a Jerusalem peacemaker and rainbow warrior in the region for many years I am saddened by what I see. 

BUT I cannot take sides and say this one is wrong or that one. It is a short sighted and political view. This is not the path to peace. The ONLY path towards a peaceful solution I believe is spiritual renewal. A spiritual narrative that includes God in the equation and the clear evidence on the ground.


And only one side to be on... GODS SIDE. 


There have been atrocities on both sides and there will continue to be until the day comes when one side says enough and the other side says ..I agree. And by inviting GOD into the peace negotiations and realising that God can do what he likes even if it sounds genocidal to non -believers. 

God can do it. Now your GOD may be different to mine.. but we all bleed red. And too much blood has been sacrificed on the altar of war and peace. It must come to a point whereby people say... how can we bring a peaceful settlement ? what the world needs today is not just more love..but more IMAGINATION!!

Can a Palestinian state exist ? perhaps..if someone were to allow it to be. Nobody needs another October 7. Maybe in northern SINAI. or Southern Lebanon or part of Jordan if the king can step in.  But can it be on the land that God has given HIS PEOPLE ? no. it cannot. That would be a crime not just against God but a crime against humanity itself. One day there will be a new and a TRUE jerusalem. One that makes it a centre of prayer for ALL the nations. amen.

If we consider crimes against humanity we should also consider crimes against God. This killing must stop. This war must stop. And once it stops its time then to find the answer in a circle of people who each have a voice in the future of the middle east. Together as one -I thank you.



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