the story of mkfst. ❤️

This is the story of one of Egypts biggest mysteries..  mkfst/ zebak/ mana/ ormus..  a substance which we still do not know even existed. Like the dodo..  now extinct. 

do u see the hieroglyph that looks like a teepee ? 

(looks like a triangle). thats the symbol of conical bread or as I believe ... mkfst/ manna / ormus . 
Its also the symbol for giving or gift... power.. life and .. FOREVER! πŸ™It has symbology of eating and eternal life. Jesus used it when he said" I will give you the manna that you will live forever!"- take eat of it for this IS my body given unto you !" -and when we take Holy communion we are eating this same "mkfst" or "manna" in a spiritual sense.  

the symbology is right across history... πŸ˜‡

do you begin to see the parallel now ? 

I went to visit Tutankamens gold casket in the Cairo museum yesterday. as well as to see around 5000 years of mummies. 

I feared it was something else. i thought it could be the symbol of fire or a house.

 but i asked around and did some research. its ORMUS symbol  so it was used like a conical bread that was ingested . 

This symbol also appears in the temple of Hathor where the British explorer Flinders Petrie came to the "guardian stones  "or Serrabit el Khadyim in 1907. He photographically and in writing recorded this strange white substance known as mkfst. He SAW it. 50 tons if it in fact. 

We cannot confirm if it was ingestible but he took samples back to the British museum but on his return he discovered the 50 tons of mkfst had mysteriously...

-then there are the similarities and parallels recorded from  EXODUS 16 to 32. Read it.

 "When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was."

exodus 16: 15

- The Hebrew word for "man ahu" or mana " what is it ? or this? πŸ˜„ in ancient Egyptian text "mkfst" means.   " what is it? " finally; the hebrews were worshipping a golden calf. πŸ™ˆ Not anything else..  why? -was it linked to this Temple of Hathor the cow doddess?-where this mysterious white substance was found by Flinders Petrie in 1907?

So here was the offer.  

the conical bread was "given"... all over the temple that they would never have stood in before. they werent allowed to. 

did they eat this ormus or white gold ? -  maybe.  did they desire what it promised . life.. power. eternity... forever ? perhaps. 

or were they simply experiencing a crisis of faith ? and they melted diwn their gold rings to make an offering to the ancients gods of Egypt?

we shall never know...unless we REWILD our ancient past and discover its ancient secrets. go real deep. connect the dots. 

this is why we go on this interdimensional...beyond time... an INTERGALACTICAL shamanic journey.  ❤️πŸ’“

this rewilding safari into this desolate region they call the "WILDERNESS OF SIN" on Valentines day. 

what shall we uncover and discover in Egypts mysterious past?

true spirituality is seeking out TRUTH. if you do not seek.  you will not find. if you do not knock .. the door shall not OPEN! ❤️πŸ‘

if we open our eyes we shall see. we learn from our common past. 

MOSES eventually the second time around came down the mountain with the basic law that has influenced the last 3000 years. 

it was his ideas that. hanged the world as they were adopted by the mainstream lost in darkness and yes.  no one can doubt the influence of that law on the history of humankind.. in judaism.. in Islam and in Christianity.. which accounts for half the planet.


Why go see an ancient forgotten love god/ goddess? 

because each of us wishes to seek true spirituality that means something REAL. Not illusionary. and we seek strength from our pilgrimage into this Holy land that birthed all these concepts . 


 because the current conflict of the Human soul..  is no different to what took place here in the desert all those years ago- with the wandering Hebrews..and its in each of us. this Inner battle. 

to rewild the planet we are going to need FAITH ! to do the inner work. this is true spirituality .. but we do it also with the OUTER work by being the NEW in the shadow of the old. we dont need to overthrow or protest anymore. we are already living in the 5th dimension. 

capitalism is composted. we are the mycellium. πŸ‘

we are already enlighrened and know what needs to be done .. 

by rewilding the past we reconfigure our future.. 

and thats the key. learning from our past being in the NOW and preparing or rewilding our future by rewilding our past. knowing who we are.  

and WHERE we are going. to strengthen the soul against despair and seek HOPE in this vision we have for our children. 

A legacy or statement of purpose that states. 


if we dont what kind of world will they enjoy ? 

our vision is for the NEXT generation. to restore or "re-wild" the Equilibrium. the balance. and by DOING so .. we restore ourselves.. our imbalances and our dis- eases. ❤️❤️❤️

So our safari is actually a journey of self realisation... actualisation and mobilisation...time to stand up and walk.. not to sit down and think...Sinai has seen saints and magi... ancient pilgrims and Christian desert fathers and mothers  who like us  isolated themselves for decades in a remote cave.

but we now have a greater urgency to do something bigger and a greater vision to make it united in SOLIDARITY and unconditional LOVE it is therefore this love that we seek to activate. to rewild a by rewilding our common past we hope to activate the present.. the NOW ! 


some say it was Baal( an ancient god of the hebrews once worshipped - but thats doubtful )  -but the Hebrews of that time had no reason to worship a cow shaped god.   they had just come out of a comic book reality of transhumanist weirdness. human dogs..  cow women.  bird men ? beetles.. ( scarabus isis ) and make no mistake the egyprian occult was strong. they had simply given up hope .. and were in despair. like a wife waiting for a husband lost at sea. or gone to war. not knowing if they would ever see them again.  they went into the state of delusion. 😭

they tested the god of Moses by worshipping another god .. the one of their former masters.. hoping for salvation. 

however the timing of their Exodus puts them in the proximity to a cow goddess temple.. which would have made more sense. they saw it or passed by it on their Exodus out of Egypt....  they PANICKED!! ... they were already acquintanted with this goddess which was the goddess of love and fertlity.

they went back to worship what was familiar.  what they KNEW!  because that for them was their stable datum despite seeing all the miracles of Moses. their hero wasnt around and therefore.  their god by proxy wasnt around either to help them. 

so they turned back to the old gods.   security . above freedom. just like we are doing right now. 

And they gave up what they had left that was precious because they thought they were going to die wandering around in the desert.  or at very least.  stay lost forever.  who knows.  the cat was away.   the mice wanted to play. 

 and yes they were desperate. fearful. Moses was gone. their leader ( Moses )up a mountain. for 40 days. gone. 

they thought the God of israel had abandoned them to die of thirst in the wilderness of tsin. ( sinai- meaning "crag of rock"or zin meaning "flat" ) 😞 and they were tired if hanging around...

so they had a party. they celebrated. ❤️they made merry...they danced.. and it just so happens the same goddess is also into making merry. 

so this temple that mined mkfst or that had it stored away ... gave them the substance to make merry with.  

Not only the parallels are aligned.. but the intersection of two civilisations and two religions. 

the jews backslided into the religion of their former masters . the kemeteans ( the ancient name of Egypt meaning "black")

Moses came back and saw what they were doing. He had given them the heavenly mana.  Were they satisfied?..oviously not. 

-but they had chosen the psychedelic one instead to get high whilst the big guy was talking to the REAL God.

 so he punished them by crushing the golden calf into powder and making fake gold cakes.. again the same symbology of the pharaohs.  this triangle shape.   only it wasnt the real mkfst. it really was gold from their false idol . and their offering to their fake goddess. 

what can we learn from all of this?

mkfst existed and was highly revered as an ingestible substance used by the pharaohs to access the ether and the esoterical realms of their alien comic book hero masters. πŸ˜‚

this was the substance that gave them access to the technology that was far advanced to their own primitive technology 

thats how they  built the pyramids.. thats how they were able to carve into stone so precisely. 
 To measure more accurately the amount of cubits( the measurement used in those days) to the center of the Earth using the stars...

( they didnt use meters ) ... .. mathematics.  masonry. art.  everything was inspired by this " spice" they called "mkfst" and depicted on their tombs. πŸ‘

to end : Rewilding OUR time requires a journey INTO time itself.!!

. to find what it is ... that stops us from succeeding in our dreams of a better world. To find purpose for our time on this planet. 

i thank you 

Aslan. πŸ˜‰



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