I married a Ukrainian!

For Lana Bashkina aka Lana La Vega and every desperate soul out there wanting to get out of a warzone. Why would anyone in their right mind want to take on the responsibility of marrying a Ukrainian refugee? One that has been so traumatized by the war in Ukraine that she has PTSD and is unable to have children. Yes.. granted. Ukrainian women are beautiful. But it's not beauty that brings someone to the point of saying. " As long as it takes.. and whatever I need to do. " ... this is the official policy of the Biden regime .. to support Ukraine to WIN the war against russia. And they have. My whole story began not out of pity or of any other reason. But of wanting to support Ukraine and to do something of benefit for those victims of the war. Beyond that I wanted a companion to share my knowledge. BUT the chief reason I married her was and is because I loved her and wanted her to succeed and be happy in whatever it was she put her mind to. To fo...