I married a Ukrainian!
Why would anyone in their right mind want to take on the responsibility of marrying a Ukrainian refugee? One that has been so traumatized by the war in Ukraine that she has PTSD and is unable to have children. Yes.. granted. Ukrainian women are beautiful. But it's not beauty that brings someone to the point of saying.
" As long as it takes.. and whatever I need to do. " ...
this is the official policy of the Biden regime .. to support Ukraine to WIN the war against russia.
And they have. My whole story began not out of pity or of any other reason. But of wanting to support Ukraine and to do something of benefit for those victims of the war. Beyond that I wanted a companion to share my knowledge. BUT the chief reason I married her was and is because I loved her and wanted her to succeed and be happy in whatever it was she put her mind to. To forget the horror of war - as I had done- and to be the best person she could be. And for that .. it was my privilege to support her. But... It wasn't enough. She didn't know what she wanted beyond the next hilltop.
Her mind was not stable nor could it ever be. She had been used by less than ethical people...and I wanted to change that .. break that cycle. Beyond that and her physical disability caused by her trauma . She was damaged. But I still said.. I will take responsibility!...
I will love her. For as long as it takes. And unconditionally. Like a good friend and father would
But sometimes.. even this is not possible. Why ? Because of the state of her mind. And I'm sad to say her psychopathic character.
I've seen it with habitual persons who try to reform. They can't. Because they are so used to the easy life that working out the inner crap is too hard. It takes work. Hardwork. Patience. Pain. It's not easy.
It's easier to blame someone or something else. It has nothing to do with circumstances. She would prefer to.play the victim and scam someone else. That.. unfortunately is the nature of a street hustler. It's easy to lie. Easy to play the victim.
And yes. She was- is quite beautiful....and hungry for spirituality. And I was more than happy to disciple her.
And we connected on a soul level. Two souls migrating through the omniverse in various states of evolution. And yes . We connected so deep that we were able to communicate telepathically.
Of course I had to practise letting go. The differences between us were enormous. But our connection was pure love love and pure light. Both of which are unconditional.
But to practise that.. it becomes harder the deeper you connect. And with time it becomes even painful.
And yet I decided to go all the way and let God sort things out.
So I married her in a legal contract. All we had to do was ratify it and it was all we needed to start a new life somewhere in this planet. We decided after taking a trip across italy to make that place Sardinia.
Three times I let her go. One time into the arms of a friend. Second time in the arms of of a holy man...and third time at the border with the UK.
I saved her each time from a life that was not desirable... And each time I took her back ...because she was not in my heart. But when we married each other I realised she was now at last living in my heart.
But it was not enough. Not even having a home. Her spirit would not give her rest.
And like everyone she has met and interacted with on a deep level.. she had to break my heart.
Being the nice or good guy was not enough.
I had become her rescuer and given her the self confidence to stand up.
Now she had the ability to enter the countries that rejected her.. UK.. Israel and the USA.
But it wasn't enough.. I in turn made sure she had everything she needed. Clothing. Cosmetics. Health products. I even bought her a flute and a beautiful bespoke handbag and givenchy makeup.
The answer was..." I can't love you like you love me!" And once she found another sugar daddy. Or nice guy. She dropped me like a stone.
Yes. I married a Ukrainian woman. But all I have in return for this unconditional love is a broken heart.
My advice ? Could I have done it differently? Maybe. If I had been a hard bastard .. yes. She could understand that . But nice guy. No.
And perhaps that isn't lesson to myself. Don't be too nice. And don't let her into your heart. Not until enough time has come and gone.
In a way I'm happy it broke down. Because now I have my freedom. Now I can work for my equilibrium. And now she can go out there into the wide world and get a job or do whatever it is she does in her home town to make money.
Be careful is all I can say. Be very careful. Don't let your desire to help the Ukrainian people cloud your judgement. There must be a limit. A boundary. I went to far in my love for her.
There are many such cases like this. I just got conned- fortunately I still have my integrity. She almost got half of my estate. Not anymore. Now she will get nothing . But it indeed she did love me .. then she has done me a favour. The truth set her free. But now she must live with herself and what she has done. Love is like that. God is not to be mocked.
It is unfortunate that we get sucked into this vortex. Some of us love without condition. THAT is what I did.
Do I regret marrying a Ukrainian? No. I just regret being too nice. I also regret losing the friends that warned me against it. It was an incredible amazing ride. We both learned from it. But today I wonder if there is a mountain in this world called true love. Perhaps this too is an illusion.
Thank you.
Aslan La Vega
PS In the 6 months I knew her she cost me thousands of dollars...
I invested in her welfare and wellbeing. Wholeheartedly.... Without counting the cost. That is how it went.
Fortunately , I discovered her psychopathic lies and sociopathic insincerity in good time ..had it gone further it would have been very difficult.
I thank God for this saving grace that she was exposed as the LIAR and DECEIVER and CHEATER she really is. Perhaps she is able to.live with it..which one could call pure survival. Perhaps she will realise her errors. I do not know.
Praise the Lord.
I will bring glory to Ukraine. Not by marrying some unworthy woman but by supporting the soldiers on the frontline -and the people who really need help!
These are worthy of our compassion and empathy not stupid, mentally ill and confused ingrates and lost little girls.
If she truly was a refugee she would not act like a total cxxt. It makes we wonder if this whole war is just some scam to play the victim and get money out of the West.
Certainly ,the oil barons and the weapons dealers are laughing all the way to the bank. And that has nothing to do with what your nationality or gender is. No... war is bad. And we do what we can to stop it. And the ones who play the system.. in the end.. they always get what's coming to them 100 times.
I have been a refugee once upon a time. I know what it feels like not being able to live a normal life in your own country. To never feel at home. To pray that one day true peace will return to your land. To come home.
In better times.
I always did what I did because I believed it was right , and just and fair. Despite the challenges.
I was never afraid of doing dirty jobs.. or waiting days to get through a border .. or being abused by people who judged without knowing.
Ukraine needs dedicated people to defend its homeland. People who are willing to stand up for what they believe in.
Cowards who think they can run away and play the victim is not representative of the GLORY of Ukraine .. but of it's SHAME.
This I say as a former refugee myself. We have hard times but to those you love you do not betray.
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