We are currently on the brink of Armageddon globally with Russia and China teaming up to create a multipolar world. One that no longer sees the USA as the leader or protagonist of global order. A world that is not funded by the US petrodollar anymore but by The Yuan..

 The EURO and possibly the Swiss Franc and yes.. even the Rouble. With this bipolar world of digital finance between the USD and the YUAN. it could mean a inevitable confrontation of EPIC proportions. If Ukraine joins NATO this could be the final match tonight the fires of World War Three. A war of biblical.proportuons that is written in the bible to describe.. GOG. and if the ISLAMIC world joins this Sino- Russian alliance .. countries such as SAUDI ARABIA- INDONESIA- MALAYSIA -PAKISTAN-IRAN and yes.   

TURKEY we will have a Gog and Magog situation . And this is not good. All thanks to the weak leadership of the Democrat party of America under Biden. It has come to this point. The war in Ukraine is in stalemate for now.. but looks set to escalate  with the arrival of more weapons and aid from the west. Over 29 billion dollars of military aid has already been sent by America to Ukraine. 

That's a BIG investment. How much longer can the FED continue to print money ? We don't know. Probably indefinitely until people stop using the dollar. For settlements. And that knock on effect of this NEW ALLIANCE is going to bring all the dominoes tumbling down. Then there is the BRICS alliance. Which includes non aligned countries like India and Brazil and South Africa. And population wise and land wise you have a block biggest enough to take on the West. 

I'm not even talking about weaponry. And this is where we are all heading with our current leadership. Is it time to fight harder .. or to sit down and STOP THIS WAR? What do you think ? We can pray for Ukraine. We can support it's refugees. We can even do a pilgrimage if faith. A PRAYER WALK. 

But in the end it's really up to the people of the world to stand up and be counted. 

To pray yes. To walk for peace yes. To show solidarity for the suffering victims of war . Yes. 

To lobby the companies that profits from This war to stop the war. Because they don't want to stop it they are making profits never before seem. 

If it escalates into WW3 WE shall ALL br victims of the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever seen. All thanks to the man sitting in the oval office right now. And his cronies. 

Its time to wake up.and smell.the coffee. 

What do you think is Gods Will? πŸ™πŸ½

Join our pilgrimage for peace this year on the CAMINO DE SANTIAGO and all over the world. 



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