The controversial origins of the Ashkenazi Jews. 

Why does it matter where 80 % of the Jewish people come from ? Why then is it such a controversial issue today and what does it mean for the future of peace in the world ? 

Firstly, WHAT does the word Ashkenazi mean? WHERE does it come from ? And WHO are these people group that identify ethnographically with these people ? 

ASHKENAZ was the first born son of GOMER who was the grandson of NOAH. Genesis 10.3. 

After the Noahs ark settled probably in the region of Mount ARARAT the sons of Noah spread out to all the lands. The land of GOMER and the land the ASHKENAZ was in present day TURKEY. This according to an ancient Hebrew map. North of this was he land of SCYTHIA and MAGOG which is present day Russia, Georgia and Armenia. 

JAPHETH the tribal patriarch of the ashkenaz were migratory. Some went towards present day Iran...other towards he Caucasian mountains. This according to the Bible/Torah was some tears after the flood which according to some scholars was 4358 years ago. Yet WINE pots in Georgia the home of wine are dated to 8000 years ago. Double. 

According to most accounts the ashkenaz are white skinned because they migrated to Germany then East towards Poland and Russia. But some people disagree. 

So now we know where the name Ashkenaz comes from. And where het initially settled. But around 500 to 600 AD something happened. Islam was born and like a whirlwind it blew through the Levant smashing all that stood in its way. Paul tye apostle had already bee preaching the gospel in Jewish synagogues in Turkey… and the Byzantine empire was at this time still whole. But this was about to change. 

When looking at history and finding it's mysteries you have to compare it with many things. One of these is language...the other is artifacts and archeology. eg paintings, writings, art, music, maps ...buildings...architecture...and customs...anthropology. What did they eat.. ? What did they drink.. What was their ethnographic origins… ?

So most traditional thinkers say that Ham went to Africa whilst the sons of Japheth went to Europe settling in the Rhineland of Germany before migrating eastwards. 

ARTHUR KOESTLER , a jew himself and writer activist disagreed. He believed that they migrated from the East to the west under the Khazar banner. That they were even sons of heathen converts and therefore the whole thing is a fraud That the ashkenazi Jews today are nothing but frauds. Goyim ( heathen ) converts.  

What is the truth ? 

WHAT , WHERE AND WHO was the KHAZARI kingdom ? 

There us so much to say on this subject but in short King Bulan chose what was known as Talmudism and imported rab is from Iraq to teach his people how to live better. According to some he Khazaria kingdom that was formed out of the Turkic migration adopted this new religion rather than accept either Christianity...paganism or Islam. According to so.e the word askenazi in khazari language means " superior people ". And according to a 2013 DNA test there is jo semitic roots in the current ashkenazi people.. 

That means that the ashkenazi Jews were converted…migrated to Europe following matriarchal lineage and after Hitler chased them… OCCUPIED CURRENT DAY ISRAEL…

and that means they have no right to occupy the Holy land. 

so here then is the point. 

Georgia was part of the Khazari kaganate in this period. The Arabs had already defeated them at Tiflis. This occurred around late 7th century. When Bulan converted his people there was two decades of relative peace. Then war again.Khazaria was on he trade routes with China and New products and knowledge passed along these roads.

In summary… biblically speaking the sons of Japheth inhabited what is currently Turkey, Armenia and Georgia. We know that the Jews were also slaves to the Babelonians in Iraq. Did they go to Israel ? Or was it the descendants of Ham? The current sephardic or dark skinned Jews…? 

truthfully… I believe Jesus or yeshiva was dark skinned. He was not ashkenazi in any way. 

But there's more. Judaism is a religion.  Just as Christianity. Jerusalem is a place for the nations of the world to pray to the God of Gods … yes its a city whose name means PEACE. 

It belongs to everyone in the world. 

And no one.  But it is a symbol.of those who believe I. the return of a special individual that will herald peace on Earth and goodwill to all men.. to celebrate the wedding feast. 

So what is God's greatest commandment?

in Hebrew it is the word.  VAHAVTA.  TO LOVE. 

The true inheritors of the kingdom of God are those who know how to love . Love is the wine. The blood. The LIFE. 

And what better way to love than to drink the finest wine in all the world? 

As Jesus did when he turned the water into wine.. his first miracle.. to his last supper when he said do this in remembrance of ME. 

In Georgia the Secret to a beverage that has been made for thousands of years.. since the time before the flood… 8 or 9000 years was kept….until this day. 

why ? 

so that people could get drunk? celebrate..  ?  make money?... or to preserve that one commandment of God.. 


what do you think ? 


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