SHINE YOUR LIGHT ! HOW TO REWILD THE PLANET -A PROPOSITION ( 2nd ITERATION )April 29th,2022 HOW TO REWILD THE PLANET a manifesto for Planetary Change By Aslan La Vega & Friends Disclaimer : This booklet is written as a 1st edition by demand ,and is the views of the authors and written at the point of time when they are valid. This debate may of course change if better practices are discovered or revealed and are by no means absolute. This is what we have collectively perceived as the result of over 50 years of experiences on Earth. Witnessing the changes. For more information contact (or the ) …………………………………………………… Our Mantra "*Educate!*Motivate!*Activate !*" So to make this real , this GREAT project we have divided it into 3 parts: “ EDUCATION- MOBILISATION-MANIFESTATION!” The Earth has all three -3 stages to Synchronise OR reach the Equilibrium for all. CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION- How do we rewild the planet? 2.ABOUT US a. Vision & Mission Statement b. The People behind this project. c. Template Proforma Non Profit Business Plan for Coral Restoration in the Sinai 3.DEFINITIONS a. The Rewilding b. Everything else 4.PART ONE : EDUCATION a. A Brief History of the Earth b The Algorithms c. Proof Of Ethics d. The Love Economy e. Environomism f. The Theory of the Equilibrium g. The Story of Hemp- Plastics and CO2. e. Creating Rewilders Clubs- Societies and Foundations f. The Mycellium of Glocal Governance g. How to Rewild the Dissemination of Information h. A Reflection 5.PART TWO: MOBILIZATION a. The New Mantra b. Changing Perceptions c. What can I do? d. Setting up clubs-gatherings and events e. How to eat an elephant. f. Applying the principles of change g. Creating a startup h. Synopsis of Success I. From Rainbow Warrior to Rewilder 5.PART THREE: MANIFESTATION a. What kind of World do we Visualize ? b. What have we manifested with these principles. c. Manifesting a coral table d. Verifying Proof Of Ethics e. What happens next? f. Manifested Events 6.CONCLUSIONS ( & Acknowledgments) 7. LINKS ( & References) The Beginning & NOT The End. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.INTRODUCTION: “Educate-Motivate- Activate ”- WOW!… to rewild an ENTIRE planet…WOW!!!- bloody wow!-what does that even MEAN -never mind how do WE do it? -How DO I -YOU or WE ...REWILD the planet – ? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN !? We have a saying in Africa… “ How do you eat an Elephant?” If you ask that question to anyone … most will be flummoxed and say.. something like…” I've never eaten an elephant before… or .. it's too BIG to eat...or I don't eat elephants… but the traditional answer is.. . “You eat it one bite at a time!“ Like World Peace. Or a giant pizza. We start where we are.. and we educate- agitate or motivate and activate for planetary change… one thing leads to another. You don't have to resist or oppose or protest anymore… You simply have to be SENTIENT – or CONNECTED to ALL 8 algorithms that sustain LIFE... This is how you create change… we call it “GLOCALISM. “ Being sentient means you have empathy for all living beings on this planet and the way it works. This is a feeling of “ONENESS” that you often get when you are alone in the “Cathedral of Nature.” In practical terms there are many things that have to be done to reverse the direction of the medicine wheel. To actually stop over consumption and waste is one of them. To focus on a particular field to rewild … and it could be anything… the economy… the environment… the government – big business -travel-the education system… or our out of shape bodies. It doesn't matter. ..even spirituality- anything. You can rewild any subject.! It's a philosophy of thinking that is symbiotic with the biological computer we call Earth. Because our bodies are PART of this Earth. As our Spirits are PART of God. And to SUCESSFULLYrewild the planet… we must also rewild ourselves too! This is the true spirituality of the future , and finding the communion with All brings OR WILL BRING this inner and personal...and in fact World Peace and Equilibrium that our soul truly seeks… It is ending with a Common Peace of Sentience and Oneness …a “Rewilding” has taken place! Any new project or vision of Man or “Humankind “starts with the IDEA ; a concept of what could-should or would be different, or better than what is already. It could ALSO be described as an Archimedean“Eureka moment.” a catalytic snowball that grows as it rolls down the hill and so this grand vision is born!- Like Archimedes streaking in the streets of Athens...- a vision starts with one single idea… What then? *What can I do to make things different?! - or How can I - or WE collectively make a difference to this situation? How can I -or WE shift the paradigm? How do we reach a point of planetary change? Enjoy the journey. Each day is a new adventure. This manifesto is going to attempt to explain this quandary..this puzzle..this Question. HOW TO REWILD THE PLANET!? Nicola Tesla once said :“I don't care that they stole my idea . . .-I care that they don't have any of their own!” Any fresh ideas that come to us should not be property- but open sourced in any "love economy", and the only valid reason to keep them to yourself is to repay the money paid for its research and development. But if this were available- these funds rather than on feeding the war would not be necessary. Humanity needs to accelerate - and superfast! A vision simply comes through us like our children...but we do not own them!- we borrow them for a time and then we need to let go!It is our privilege to be the hands and feet and eyes of them_ those visions... And this is where we find our joy, our happiness. In truth we are all innovators, and any new innovation comes directly from the invisible UN-creation of human consciousness and the universe. From the shadows and from the mystery to the light. From this soup of unconscious consciousness streamed into this reality. This moment in Time. Our problem is we don't value these ideas enough, or let its blessings slip through our fingers. Or, we simply do not know how to deal with these new breakthroughs and let them go. It is like holding a flaming fire in your breast and wanting to burn ..but not knowing how. This is the passion… we either burn up or burn out if misdirected... and either is no good. A good fire burns consistently no matter the weather. We feed it with enough fuel but not too much unless we have to. Therefore the Greatest sin against Humanity is waste BECAUSE it is the product of not caring- or lacking the will to care! WASTE. Fore mostly...of LIFE! WASTE- ….Waste of opportunities, energy, innovations, lives and good ideas are an insult to all humanity. In fact to every living being in the multiverse. But what is even worse is the ones who control this waste and impose MORE & MORE misery upon the shoulders of Men.Yet despite this global suffering...we stagnate because of comfortability and apathy towards each other, and the environment.We just mellow in our depression of dis-empowerment and our DIS – ease...and stop caring.! We Stop trying...because it costs too much energy… and too much pain. WE are lazy and overly comfortable. APATHETIC -ANDROID- REPTILIAN. A closed circuit. And the flame of passion dwindles ...and dies out in a flicker of desperation. But to heal the planet and US -me- you - we-requires being in a gym… no gain… or dieting or fasting… nothing comes free..even freedom itself comes at a painful price!. Blood, toil, sweat and tears... It's not free. If a good idea is beneficial to humankind e.g. the end of a war, the smart phone, the malaria vaccine or penicillin – it should be made open sourced-and as cheap as possible for the consumer to buy or could be as simple as seeing something else that everyone has missed before you came along. New concepts and ideas are born on the edge of civilisation… on the edge of pain …it is both a blessing and a curse..a blessing because you find something that will benefit humanity and a curse because you have to find a good way to imprint onto the psyche of the collective hive mind. It needs to have value …and it must be accessible to all… FREE! Thus, a true initiative to make the world a better place should always come from a place of being a humble servant to humankind. When we say we are rewilding the planet we also say we are rewilding ourselves from within… going to the edge of impossibility and taking the leap of faith into the unknown. Not recklessly but bravely…and the reason ? Our motivation is ...LOVE. “True leadership is in taking responsibility for a situation and doing something about it.” Being a leader is someone who takes responsibility and is able to respond in any given situation. And if we take responsibility we all become the leaders we wish to emulate! This is leadership. True value should be placed on-not the output or product, but on the energy and the intention and the unselfishness utilized. It's altruism. Its value. Its ethics. Money is an exchange mechanism and form of representation of energy.We have many such mechanisms in place to make something of worth.It is to become sovereign by finding One's purpose on this living material plane. An exchange of energy ...or goods..or notes… or numbers… but it is much more real than that… a reality that goes beyond this reality! - REALISING THE REAL LIES THROUGH REAL EYES! For example… appreciation. ”Thank you.” What is a piece of paper with a face on it…? Some have described the “Celestine Prophecy”* as a model… some have just said...all you need is love… energy as an exchange mechanism… This is the Holy Grail of Money. Valid exchange. (*The Celestine prophecy and its nine essential truths foretell a new spiritual awareness that will reshape the entire human race and give us a glimpse of a complete spirituality on this planet. It is what we are trying to do now ahead of the advent of the machine world. To preserve our humanity and originality. To understand the best economic system has to one that is ethical and sentient to all living things. ) And fair exchange is no robbery. Fair quantification and It doesn't mean that a man or woman earning only 2$USD a day in Africa or Asia is stupid or lazy. It means that they have been disenfranchised by the circumstances of life. Many work harder than people who earn 1000 times more each day. Walking for miles with wood or children or water. Its all about equal measurement of the exchange… - but how do we validate that ? How do we make it fair? Part of this book will explain how this is done and is the result of over 40 years of research starting on the back of a truck through the Sudan up the Nile whilst fleeing the outbreak of a civil war. True value and a true economy must begin with a clear and true mindset. “The goal of this project is to make poverty HISTORY and prosperity for ALL.” This is the legacy of Nelson Mandela and the ones who carry the flame of hope around the world speaking of a different paradigm that is true,good, just and fair. And now we have that opportunity to make it happen. The vision of the “Rewilding Project” is to leave the Earth better than we found it. A greener and cleaner and fairer planet. For all. To ensure there is an Earth for our children to enjoy… one that celebrates true values and truth itself. Klaas "Swab" of the Davos Crew in Switzerland has brought a whole bunch of rich and powerful people to create global influencers to steer humanity in the right direction. “ You will own nothing and be happy!” - truth is ..they already do but they are not not. A reptilian vision of a managed humanity without genuine freewill or sovereignty. There is no freedom in that. No in the Great Reset nor the 4 th Industrial Revolution. Instead , the world has become more polarised as the human spirit bites back and the Great Reset is now the Great Resist! Declaring compliance and changing the rules without mutual consensus is not only draconian... it is dishonest. Why? Because until we have uplifted all of humanity into the realm of "ethics"… we will continue to have war, crime and disease and suffering and misery. Free will and sovereignty is something our fathers and mothers throughout the generations have fought for and died for ...and it is something we in the 21st Century cannot ignore. The advent of AI is inevitable ..but we can program the machine with the algorithms to save us rather than it self programme. If we sell out our humanity we sell out everything and it will not be worth owning anything. Klaus S/ vision of the world is one of control,degradation and domination. Hitler would have been proud, but WE, the freedom loving peoples of the world... are not! We , the rewilders of the planet…the rainbow warriors and lightworkers and peacemakers … detest it. -Until" Klaas "keeps Davos as an exclusive club and excludes the majority of the world… it will remain just that.. a club. One that at best addresses radical ideas but has no support amongst the people. We own only what we bring into this world and cultivate. When it is time to leave it wont matter. This manifesto or proposition is our answer to this dark worldview. True happiness must come from the core of our being and understanding as human beings collectively on this planet.To reach Onenness is something everyone can do at home. No need for a guru or a special teacher. We can all become rewilders. Without discrimination. So…The time of the lone wolf is gone. Long ago. We cannot pretend that we are separated from each other and one pain is not all pain. “ An insult to one , is an injury to all!” - is Klaas espousing communism? -Egalitarian Capitalism-Or socialism? Or some weird kind of stipend system of UBI ( Universal Basic Income)-doled out by robots and algorithms? -Or is it David Attenborough’s Witness Statement or “rewilding” vision of wiping out half the worlds population to make room for animals and tress? ..and the elect...the chosen ones... Of disregarding the basic Laws of the Universe- to build one of his own making and darkened- negative imaginations? A rewilded Dr Moreau ? For me this statement is so misguided and arrogant it has no place in this present time reality. No. We don't subscribe to this misdirected vista of a future world. For all its defects and absurdities and oddities.. this planet is GREAT. And each soul on it. Its more than that.. It's WONDERFUL!- We just need to rethink how we LIVE on it. Collectively. Not individualistically. An economy just for all should place value on humanity, compassion and empathy where its possible to live with self respect , dignity and honour and integrity . To be transparent without fear. This is the NEW ECONOMY. Is this too much to ask for ? The Rewilding Project” is an amazing opportunity for ALL human beings to be employed in this new economy of making the world a better place. ... And there are 8 billion vacancies!..seriously. We all have a job . We are all employed now. “World Peace” is possible if only we want it… like eating a big pizza or an elephant… one bite at a time! A great challenge cannot be eaten or beaten all at once with a single stroke of the sword. Not unless it is our destiny to do so. This is how we do it in Africa. The Rewilding Project is a project that has been called to fix humanities aberrations and inequalities as a collective “hive” mind – together . So here we propose to reprogramme all the algorithms ... to change all the values, all the quotients and all the forward planning... We are born into this world and leave it with what is inside of each of us..inside our hearts... and when we see a sunset or a sunrise on an empty horizon... there is no pricetag...and the same applies to all human beings and all living things... and that is why our answer to Mr Klass of the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland is: “We will own EVERYTHING- and be TRULY happy!” This is what we call in Africa..."the Ubuntu!" (“ You are because I exists- I exist because YOU are!”) It is therefore up to everyone to participate. If we only try. This is our story: “ any project starts with something very simple. A simple idea. This project is no different. It all started with a single use one liter plastic bottle found on the beach in the Ras Abugalum Sinai Protectorate.” “ What shall we do about this?”- asked Shan Shan . - it was the only thing on the beach that was out of balance with the rest of its environment. One plastic bottle used only once and tossed away takes up to 1000 years to biodegrade and return to the Earth. From 450 to 1000 years. That's an awful long time. It holds water of not that great quality( low sodium content and over time the water becomes toxic)- and yet we all need water to live. Water is life.“Mni Wichoni-” ( ever heard this before ?) The universe, or the still small voice within must talk to each individual heart and the collective unconscious or hive mind must speak to each soul to realise the need to change something for our common survival on this planet. This is ETHICS. It's all about the survival and the thriving of all life and living beings on Earth. Big or small… pretty or ugly…Without exception. To come to this point of realisation has been a long and arduous journey… and now it is time to share this wisdom. But first it would not have been possible to do what we have done without a little help from my fellow “Rewilders”… Friends of this Earth, God and each other. Rainbow Warriors. Being a RE -wilder is like being a true hippy… its not what you look like on the outside or your dress sense… its all about the colour of your heart. This small manifesto will try to explain what we have done ,and continue to do to make the world a little bit better…and to BE the change we wish to all to SEE! For this GREAT vision to be manifested we will need more TOIL…more sweat… more tears... - more LOVE …-more COLOR -more perspiration...more CARE… MORE EMPATHY...More education...-but most of all …..more IMAGINATION! Dare to Dream ! Live in Love ! Keep the Faith ! “WE CAN DO BETTER TOGETHER!” Aslan,Robin, Shan Shan, David, Matthew, Celia,Bianca, Misha, Nik, Mikael,Ozman, Ali… and many others AWOOSHA! ………………………………………………………… 2. About Us a. VISION & MISSION STATEMENT Disclaimer: This embodied vision may change or be corrected by anyone and modified. It represents the views of the author. *The Vision of this Rewilding Project is to prove there is a valuable chain of benefits that impacts everyone big or small, young or old on this planet and all living beings. To change the direction of the destructive wheel of misery and suffering into the direction of healing and regeneration and Oneness with all living beings. *Our Mission is to rewild the planet and everyone on it and free it from war, crime, waste, disease and fascism of any kind. To make it a better place than how we found it and pass this torch onto our children. To restore the Earth to its dynamic Equilibrium. To rewild the planet. To be better human beings. OUR MISSION IS SIMPLE: TO HEAL & NOT TO HARM!!! To meet the 21st challenges head on by being prepared in every way. *- to realise the real lies through real eyes. * Our vision is to rewild and compost -isms and schisms to become sovereign, autonomous, interdependent and unusual all at the same time. To rewild it ALL! * To develop more empathy and compassion and sentience for all living beings ,and love for ourselves. *To OPEN the doors of our perception ,and see through the windows of our inception! * OUR VISION iS TO FREE the INNER CHILD- And TO RELEASE the INNER WILD! Amen & Awoosha! 2. b. A Brief Profile of those behind The Project We are just people who care about the world we live in enough to do something about it. The project resonates with those people who get it. You don't have to be a paid up member to be a rewilder. Any good vision starts with one or two or three people and grows. I am just the carrier and sharer of the ideas and vision... An Architect. We call it the rewilding project” but what we are today has come from somewhere. A desire to mean something in this world. To have an “ikigai “or purpose to get out of bed each day. To become something better by making a positive difference. Every movement begins with a few individuals who feel the same way about the things they see around them. And this feeling transforms into action and makes a decision to do something about it. Our backgrounds are in many fields but in our actions we find our common ground. A billion people all rolled into One- all uniquely original. Many colors but one nation. Adivine people . A beautiful people. The Elohi. Angelic beings of Light and Love. The Dalai Lama once said “ World peace begins with Inner Peace… and inner peace begins with personal peace.” But what good is that if there is no common peace between people and our environment we live in? It would be narcissistic to ignore it and just work on your self forever stating… I cannot change anything like I am. So I must do the inner work until I become enlightened. During this process I have to forego helping others or the environment I live in... And so self gratification becomes my ethos and it is survival of the fittest. What I make or create is for my personal gain and mine alone. I must step on the heads of those below me to get to the top of the pile and use my power to control those below me. I must become the capstone on the pyramid of life and if I am OK … fit and healthy then I have won the game of life. If others don't ...then they are weak..stupid or lazy… That my friends is the ethos of capitalism. The biggest hammer.. the biggest foot..the biggest machine and the biggest weapon wins. If we are able to employ others to do our will then they should be grateful they aren't eating garbage in the gutter. Capitalism really works...but for the few..not the many..and any good works I do in this world must be to benefit myself directly or indirectly… I come first.This is the primal nature of Man up until the year 2022. Atavism.I wonder if there is enough time before it becomes too late. But this is not what we believe. We believe and it is our tested over 50 years that sharing and caring for each other and our environment gives benefits to everyone and everything. We use the power of our knowledge, our skills, our youth, our energy and our LOVE… to create a circular economy of fairness to and for all. True permacuture. Yes, we need to sustain ourselves in the present world we live in..but it doesn't mean we need to think selfishly or individualistically to the detriment of our fellow human and sentient beings. It doesn't mean we must return to being cavemen. It is possible for us all to live together in peace ,and have everything we need to be happy-healthy and in harmony. The Earth is and has an abundance of all things to ensure progress and peace. There is no need for want ..for lack… and for pain. But the programming of generations of abuse has meant that we have to rewild our concepts and our psyche...all over again. We need to UNLEARN everything and relearn the new paradigm of life and the love economy. BEING OPEN..being in the moment ...being ..knowing and felling with every breath the new life that breaths within and the unlocking our our spirit Man to see a bigger picture that doesn't involve spreading misery..waste and apathy. This rewilded - rainbow indigo generation is drawn like metal to a magnet to come together over something truly original and unique. Something truly great is happening all over the planet as we become awakened to our destiny… our purpose and our roles. We as starseed children and children of the universe are no longer alone. We are not circuits of electricity or humanoids in an android reality stuck between the metaverse and the universe… we are much more. WE ARE ALIVE! This collective has its roots in many movements of consciousness… the Rainbow warriors and the Occupy...the Transitionalists and the Anarchists… the environmentalists and the activists… and somet evil cannot define us… but what is right does. It is a brave new world that has calculations that define life and balance for all… it is numbers and concepts that impel us to go boldly and yet humbly into the unknown … to “the Great Unknowing”- to search the light. It is a journey and it is a destination – all in ONE! We just stood up one day… and said … ENOUGH! NO. Who are we? We have so many stories to tell… so many histories and traumas and heartaches along the way… so many successes and failures… so much to offer and so much to give and to share…and to receive too.. and so little time to do it in… -because to rewild the planet is going to require everybody! EVERYONE. An impossible dream...and yet… “it's only impossible until it's done... that is the spirit of humanity and humankind! “ A Rewilded Mandela..former Terrorist and mass murderer tunred reconcilier, politican and peace maker. “First they will ignore and laugh at you...then they will fight and try to destroy you...and – WE will win.! A Rewilded Gandi former SEX addict and self interested , lazy solicitor. And there is no greater thing than a good idea whose time has come. “We are the ones we have waited for ? “ We have waited for US… and now we are here… now it is our time to SHINE… -Who are we? “We are the stars that come out at night..the sun that rises and sets..the waves that crash on the beach..and the rainbows after the rain… we are the wind and the breeze that brings the clouds and the crickets … and the smile of a newborn that looks into your eyes...without fear. “ We are the Rewilders of the Earth…”the Elohi”- the angels...the Dreamers Dreaming on regardless...Welcome Home! We CAN do better together_Awoosha! ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 C -A Template Proforma Non Profit Business Plan for Coral Restoration in the Sinai This is not a perfected business plan but one that we submitted to Dr. Ishmael Sadiq of the Department of Environment in the Sinai. This is the protocol for beginning any coral restoration and or plantation. The Rewilding Project is a global initiative and we will go wherever we are invited in the world by any government as we do everything with the legal permissions necessary by the authorities in that country or region. If nations or regions do not want to do anything about their environment we will simply do it somewhere else until they change their mind. Rewilding the planet will take at least 20 to 50 years and there is a lot of work ahead for all of us to do. We also invite other organsations or initiatives to link up with us in the future. We ask for negative feedback to improve anything we have missed, but we publish here in this manifesto now to show the level of commitment and enthusiasm amongst people to do something about the coral reef in the Red Sea. Egypt is hosting the COP27 Environment conference in Sharm El Sheikh only 70 km away in November of 2022. Any inadequacies or lack we apologize in advance for due to the time factor involved. Thank you in advance for your consideration Aslan. April 9th , 2022. Sinai. ………………………………………………………. NONPROFIT BUSINESS PLAN A NONPROFIT BUSINESS PLAN THE REWILDING PROJECT (A template) Date Prepared: 03/03/2022- Completed 15-03-2022 Contact : “The Sinai Rewilders Club” or “The Rewilders Project “ ( Facebook- Telegram- Zap or Instagram) Contact Name: Contact Email Address: Phone Number : Street Address: City , Province, Postal Code,Country : TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SUMMARY 2. ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW 2.1 ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND 2.2 MANAGEMENT TEAM AND KEY PERSONNEL 2.3 PROGRAM OFFERINGS 2.4 ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES AND SUCCESS INDICATORS 5 3. MARKET AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 6 4. MARKETING PLAN 6 5. OPERATIONS PLAN 6 5.1 SHORT-TERM PLAN 6 5.2 LONG-TERM PLAN 6 6. FINANCIAL PLAN 6 6.1 ASSUMPTIONS 6.2 FINANCING AND INVESTMENTS 6 6.3 FUNDRAISING 6 6.4 FUNDING 6 7. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6 7.1 PROJECTED EXPENSES 7.2 PROJECTED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 7.3 BALANCE SHEET 8. APPENDIX …………………………. PLEASE scroll down to continue reading more about creating a Non Profit Business Plan to become a Coral Gardener. We are constantly networking with like minded people and organisations world wide and we intend to attend the COP 27 in Sharm El SHeikh and distribute these booklets to all delegates free of charge. ………………………………………………………………………… 1.SUMMARY Forward to the next page. THE REWILDING PROJECT Our vision as a non profit association is to re-wild the planet we inhabit to leave a positive legacy for the next generation to inherit. Rewilding begins with how we think and continues with how we behave. What and how we consume and why. It is proof of ethics that drives the entire system. What is good...right ...fair and just.It is an entirely fresh way of thinking that will turn around the way we are going as a species towards obliteration. It includes economics, philosophy,physics and the environment. Building bridges of peace with the past and towards the is decentralized – autonomous and sovereign. Rewilding the Planet Earth goes beyond national,gender and ideological boundaries and restrictions and moves into a common ethical way of doing business and consuming resources. There is no limit and everyone has the chance to be employed. We can ALL be Rewilders! The Rewilding Project is a holistic approach at looking to finding solutions to our common global daily challenges e.g. Climate change, health, war etc Rewilding begins at a grass roots level and is a multi - pronged disciplinary approach that is self empowering for every individual of whatever class, status,character or background. To REWILD Earth is to recalibrate or reconfigure oneself and one's environment... and live a better, more fulfilled life collectively and symbiotically than at ANY time in our human history. We are all invited to the party! Rewilding is to become sentient with all living beings that we share with. No longer living in fear and separation ,but in love -faith -harmony and happiness with the entire cosmos and one another.Sentience. That's Rewilding! The Rewilding Project is an exciting happening that invites everyone to participate in a global movement and phenomenon. And it begins right here in the Holy Land of the Sinai. Welcome Home! .ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW 2.1 ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND We are a co-supported local and international non profit association based in Dahab-London and Switzerland (see contacts) and Johannesburg. The “ Rewilding Project “is a new initiative started in the Sinai in November of 2021.The aim of this organisation is to unite people through helping the environment and bring peace and equilibrium to both Man and Nature.Our mission statement is to rewild the Nature and Humanity to a better state than ever before. To make it livable for all and equal for all. To make it balanced and better for all return to the Equilibrium again. Where we are sentient and not separated form all living beings. We are volunteers who work freely and collectively for no payment. Our vision is to see a better world for our children and ALL living beings on Planet Earth. That's it. To return...the reconfiguration-recalculculation of the mathematical formulae necessary to maintain the” Equilibrium”- the balance that keeps the algorithms constant for all life on our fragile orb... It means we must do things differently than we have done before. Eat and drink and create and sell differently ...consume differently and treat each other differently than we did before. It means we have to manifest LOVE.It means we must take a quantum leap of consciousness and start caring and sharing for the environment and each other much more.It means we must end wars and hegemonies and nationalities and boundaries of divisions. It means we must become human once again. It means that to successfully REWILD the Earth ...we must also REWILD ourselves. Rebalance and recalibrate. It will not be its original or natural state… it will be better and fairer and more just . More sane. More human. More real. It will be ethical because this will be the new economic system of Mycelium- Nature & Man together….the new in the shadow of the old...and Proof of Ethics will drive it... this in its totality will be known as … “THE REWILDING!”………………………………………… Local business expertise support through Poseidon Divers Dahab of Sinai and the Freedive Centre (and others and International Support through the Glocal News Media Association & Solidarity Radio,Africa United Embassy, Earthoceans and Solar-E- Cycles – Suntrekkers and Rewilders,Peace-lovers and Rainbow Warriors of and from ALL nationalities over the world. We have also received expert advice ,help and support from Dr. Vaughn and daughter Dianne in Florida and Dr. Sam Kahng PHD ( Oceanographer @ the University of Hawaii on Manoa who lectures on coral and marine ecology and biology). We attract and share all our resources without remuneration and for the sake of the whole environment including the people. Our mission is one of healing the Earth and ourselves as we DO it! -Young and young at heart people volunteer freely because that is the right thing to do. But this model has a plan to also attract investment. 2.2 MANAGEMENT TEAM AND KEY PERSONNEL The table below shows the organization’s lead team members and the function of each member. TABLE: LEAD TEAM MEMBERS TEAM MEMBER FUNCTION Aslan( “Robin”) La Vega – British South African Project Director David James Hofer – Canadian IT and Live Action Underwater Photography AlI Abouelenin- Egyptian CEO Poseidon Divers Dahab & Local Partner Michel Susin - Italian Divemaster - Head of Underwater cleanups .Community Educator & Organiser Michael Nuzhdin- Russian Media- Technical -Operations and Fitness Instructor Mycola (Nic) Alokhin- Ukrainian Photographer Shima Tolba- Egyptian Biologist and Administrator Jackson McCallum - American Permaculture expert – farming enthuisiast and lecturer Sabrine Bianca Biedermann- Swiss Divemaster and volunteer. She has experience coral restoration and research. Salma Zayed - Egyptian Social Media & PR and Community Development Alexander Hartig – Swiss James Turner – American International Finance and filmographer Coral Farmer & Financier 2.3 PROGRAM OFFERINGS 1. Fortnightly lectures on Coral Ecology and Biology or Permaculture and New Tek practises. 2. Regular Volunteer beach and underwater cleanups of the immediate coastline from 3 Pools to Blue Lagoon (around 20km ) 3, Volunteer Gardening at perma or aqua culture areas and community food giveaways. 4. Free Community Education and information dissemination on community chain of benefits. ( economic as well as environmental and social) 5. Global Coral restoration initiatives and networking through art, new tek, NFTs and microfragementation techniques. 6. Education- Mobilisation and Manifestation programs via stands at international exhibitions at climate or web conferences in Portugal( WEB SUMMIT)- South Africa( INDABA)-Spain ( COP 26) or Brazil ( CLIMATE LIVE) and hopefully COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh in November 2022. 7. Upcycling and recycling initiatives of plastic and other trash collected on the beach and better environmentalist outreaches. 8. Retreats and educational safaris into the Sinai or other parts of Egypt. 9. Childrens & Adults singing, heart sharing and connection circles. 10. Hikes- Meetups - open air art walks and power breakfasts. And many other regular events and activities. 2.4 ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES AND SUCCESS INDICATORS Please forward to next page. 2.4 ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES AND SUCCESS INDICATORS Our objectives are SIMPLE . “To Rewild the Earth ,and each other into the New paradigm of caring more for the Environment ,the Community and the Self by becoming sentient to all living beings.” 1.In the last 4 months from December 2021 to April 2022we have organised nearly 20 free events in Dahab and all have been well attended and successful! We have offered all our lectures for free and all our events free or at cost. 2.We have cleaned up, disposed of recycled, or upcycled tons and tons of trash on the beach and in the water-FREE of charge! This has saved the Egyptian government thousands and thousands of man hours and money. 3.We have engaged with the local community- young and old and the response has been very positive. 4.We have educated the public about coral and created more awareness of the need for protection and conservation. 5.We have mobilised volunteers to get out there and do something positive and constructive. We have broken down barriers of age , gender and nationality in the spirit of peace. 6.We have rewilded ourselves to think better and more collectively. All in all it has been a very good indicator that this vision is what people are looking for. The number of volunteers is growing daily and new ideas are flowing all the time to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Inspired souls are taking responsibility and starting their own initiatives locally and internationally. 7. We have networked all over the world promoting the values and the algorithms of the New Economy. TABLE: GOALS AND SUCCESS INDICATORS KEY GOAL / OBJECTIVE SUCCESS INDICATOR 1.CLEANUP BEACHES AND UNDERWATER FROM 3 POOLS TO BLUE LAGOON 100% SUCCESS rate. We do not get paid for our work but as a result of it the beaches and 20 km coastline is cleaner than at any time ever. 2. COMMUNITY COHESION AND EDUCATION 100% POSITIVE response. Our free lectures and educational programs have brought great results and inspired more people to care for our beaches and corals. Including native residents. 3. UPCYCLING INITIATIVES 100% PARTICIPATION. Our creative “ trashmas tree” utilised plastic bottles that were littering the beach from the Blue Hole to Blue Lagoon and created more awareness about plastic trash on the beach. 4. REWILDING THE DESERT Good indication that permaculture techniques can help to improve the growth of vegetables here in the Sinai to provide food for all. We will know fully in around 2 months at harvesting. Turning it green again. One person who visited Ras Abugalum region said: “ I've never in 30 years seen this place so green! - what's your secret ? I replied… “ We prayed for life to return to the desert way back in 2006. And now it's happening . But don't expect it didn't come at a very high price. A price of blood, toil, sweat , and tears not to mention imagination and money. 5. REWILDING ART AND MONEY Good indication that we can create a future proof economy in local communities using free will offerings and alternative exchanges. 6. RESTORATION OF THE REEFS Good indication that it will work. We are still waiting for permission from the department of the Environment before going ahead with our prototype coral nursery. MARKET AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Personally, I have been coming here to the Sinai desert since 1983. Since then the tourism sector has boomed especially since the Sinai opened up to local markets in 2014. I was also here in the difficult times when there were no tourists such as 2015 and 2006. We supported Dahab even then. At this time we brought groups of over 600 people over 6 weeks. The vision we understand of the current government is to make Sharm El Sheikh a centre for peace -prosperity and hospitality. A place where people can relax and make important decisions. A place of and for World Peace and Environmental Peace. A place in the nations where we can enjoy the blessings of God. Not only for special conferences that decide the fate of the world but also as an example of Man living in harmony with nature. In November it will host the biggest environmental conference in the world in Sharm El Sheikh. COP27. The Rewilding Project wishes to work with the Egyptian National Protectorate to make this conference a GREAT success! The tourism sector alone accounts for around 80 billion dollars a year. The average dependence on employment is around 10% of the entire population that depend on tourism. In the Sinai that is higher. Tourism supplies around 80 to 90% of total income in the Sinai- but that will change in some areas to conferencing and trade. Without the unique and one of a kind coral reefs and the security and safety provided by the central government this income would disappear. As it has happened before in the past. To guarantee this income there has to be a chain of benefits starting with the protection and restoration of the coral reefs and beaches. As we have already shown in the last 4 months we , at the rewilding project are committed to ensuring this happens. Good reefs mean good bookings in every tourist sector. Good security means good bookings too. Currently, in this region of the Red Sea we are battling the rampant littering of plastic bottles and other trash in the oceans. We are tourists. Volunteers. Nobody pays us. We want to see a better and cleaner world. To make this happen we need to create coral plantations and restore the reefs and to get protection from the protectorate to safeguard the tourism and other related industries. We need to register our association as quickly as possible and to get on with the work ahead. We want to work with local partners who feel the same way about the Sinai. With NEOM and other projects in the years to come this problem will compound. Mass tourism has a chain of benefits for everyone but it also needs projects such as this to ensure its sustainability in the years to come. Coral restoration and single use plastics are the most pressing of issues. Thank you. Aslan TABLE: TARGET MARKET SEGMENTS SEGMENT 1 SEGMENT 2 GENDER MALE GENDER FEMALE AGE 20 TO 60 AGE 20 TO 60 EDUCATION LEVEL COLLEGE EDUCATION LEVEL COLLEGE INCOME LEVEL 1000 TO 10000 USD PM INCOME LEVEL 1000 TO 10000USD PER MONTH INTERESTS KITESURFING-SNORKELLING-WINDSURFING-FREEDIVING-DIVING- SWIMMING- HIKING- CYCLING- WELLBEING- CAMPING- SAFARI- HUMANITARIAN OR ENVIRONMENTAL Activity as well as online remote working. INTERESTS KITESURFING -SNORKELLING-DIVING-FREEDIVING-HIKING- CAMPING- HIKING- WELLBEING-SWIMMING-YOGA. Environmental awareness. Education. Digital Nomads. BEHAVIORS Generally most come here to Sinai for around 2 weeks. Many stay longer to do courses which take a few months eg Diving. BEHAVIORS Generally most tourists are short term but many also do courses over 6 months. The focus is on healthier lifestyles and wellbeing. Mostly this occurs in winter months from October to May. MARKETING PLAN TO REWILD THE SINAI Marketing our plan to Rewild the Sinai involves engaging with everyone. We need to work on a multi -disciplinary approach to bring awareness to coral reef restoration and better consumption of goods and services. We have minimised this process in 3 steps: 1. EDUCATE: To inspire and inform the public at large with new ways of doing things which can make day to day life challenges more difficult. It starts by raising awareness of what the problem is and what it causes. For example throwing a single use plastic bottle on the beach. 2. MOTIVATE: Once the problem or challenge has been identified and we know more about the wider issues of this negative behaviour , we now need to motivate or mobilise the people to action. This is the second step of the marketing plan… ATTRACTION – INTEREST – ACTION. 3. ACTIVATE: This final step once the interested party is educated on the challenge and is mobilised to what can be done to solve it...the final step is to actually do something physically. That could be in volunteer or donating. To manifest these desires of the first two steps we will need people and resources to come together. Goals have to be realistic and practical but also imaginative and innovative. Education- Mobilisation and Manifestation. Our hope is for Egypt to LEAD the way to a sustainable future for all. Here we have a remarkable opportunity to manifest peace between all nations and all cultures ,and also to unite them under the banner of saving the coral and restoring the reefs! This is a noble cause and one that should be pursued,Both individually and collectively. The goal of this marketing plan is to ensure the survival of this industry into the next century. It not only makes environmental makes financial sense too. This is “environomics”. THIS is REWILDING in action! TABLE: MARKETING GOALS AND TIMELINE MARKETING INITIATIVE GOAL DUE BY 1. To create- design and construct a coral table to act as a prototype for a coral plantation. TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF PROTOTYPE AND PROVE IT WORKS. MARCH 1st,2022 2. To put this table into the water and seek permission to start the prototype project of microfragmentation to prove the concept TO COMPLETE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 1st 2022 3. Register Legal & Financial instruments for the Rewilding project to begin TO ENABLE THE PROJECT TO GO FORWARD AND DEMONSTRATE IT WORKS NOVEMBER 1st, 2022 4. To rebuild the coral reef in the Sinai to replace all single use plastics and to plant trillions of new coral. TO RESTORE REEFS AND REPLACE SINGLE USE PLASTICS JANUARY 1st 2030 5. TO CHANGE THE FACE OF MODERN TOURISM TO BRING TOURISTS TO SINAI LONGER AND CREATE VOLUNTEER TOURISM TO REWILD THIS DESTINATION. January 1st ,2035 OPERATIONS PLAN 5.1 SHORT-TERM PLAN THE REWILDING PROJECT: LOCAL & GLOBAL-“GLOCAL” 3 GOALS – EDUCATE – MOTIVATE- ACTIVATE 1.Get website and logo brand up and running 2. Register a legal and financial instrument locally in Egypt and Internationally. 3. Create a business module and write a 100 page booklet or manifesto. 4. Execute 20 successful events in one season to demonstrate the concept resonates . That it works with all nations. 5. To focus on a coral or land project innovation to prove the concept of rewilding the planet through imagination -inspiration and perspiration. Our short term goal is to spark interest in the project which is all about restoring the reefs and inspiring the humans to care about the environment. 5.2 LONG-TERM PLAN 1.The Rewilding Project seeks to recruit everyone on the planet. That's 8 billion people. We have a big job to do and someone has to do it. We are ALL employed in this task of both rewilding Nature to make it livable for future generations and manageable… and rewilding how we think – consume and act to ourselves and each other. 2. To show by action and practical work that it is possible to work collectively together and achieve a goal of peace and solidarity. Education- Mobilization and Manifestation. Via a multipronged- multi-ethnic disciplinary approach we can reach critical mass and tipping point where change happens. To make this happen we have to rethink how we do things now. Working cooperatively means being open ...courageous and transparent . 3. Once legal, media and financial instruments are in place and the first prototype is proven we will seek to scale up this model ( and other models) and apply it globally( in all of the 7 algorithms mentioned in our mission statement). Proof of Ethics is the new economic and philosophical paradigm that will save humanity. Our very survival depends on it. This is our vision. Rewilding ourselves is the first step to rewilding the planet we live on. When both are in balance then we can become the new in the shadow of the old and “compost” or transform whatever isn't needed anymore. To be synchronized and balanced means we are not subject to the atavisms of human nature but free of it all. There is no better or worse. We must and should rewild everything!… coral… our ethics...because... We are all valuable. We are all living and sentient beings to one another living in Divine Love. WE are the ones we have waited for and now is the time to stop waiting and start doing! We make peace by doing Love. Rewilding the planet starts with us. WORLD PIZZA -ONE PIECE AT A TIME! AWOOSHA! Here is a visual timeline of milestones for our long-term plan: TABLE: TIMELINE OF MILESTONES START: November 2021 December 2021 January 2022- March 2022 First Beach Cleanups. First Underwater Cleanups Digital and physical detox First Educational Lectures. The Rewilding Project March 2022- November 2022 Testing prototype of the coral table – Attendance of COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh to share the vision . Creating legal, media and financial instruments for the Rewilding Project based in Dahab. , South Sinai, Egypt. Raising awareness campaigns and scientific testing of new innovative coral restoration technology in Dahab. From September 2022 to November 2022. Presentation as delegate at COP27 Sharm El Sheikh. …………………………………………………………………….. December 2022 – 2035 Restoring the coral reef using microfragmenting techniques. Restoring communities affected by negative impact on tourism of war, pandemic and other factors. Diversifying economies to ensure survival of all. Creating a crypto coral token used by all. The bank is what we put in. What we invest. Our interest is the growth of our funds ...but what if the interest was growth of the tissue from the coral at 10 times the normal rate of growth? That would translate into 10x of our investment. A sovereign currency backed by coral...the gold of nature! We can do better together! Awoosha! Da- Hub App coming soon and airdropped tokens for first 2 years of program implementation. Accepted in all eco friendly places!- redeemed by the foundation after 2 years at market equivalent. Backed by the Global Solidarity Fund. Register as a node. Only 3 people required. Register your wallet- 100 “ Wooshas” Or Woos” or “WU” for short and additional “Blisses” airdropped to your address. Like Bitcoin and Satoshi… Pay 10 USD on entry to the Rewilding Project in Sharm El Shiekih and receive confirmation of planted coral on your phone with GPS coordinate. POE is all about releasing the seeds to germinate and then to create the basis or foundation of life on Earth. The first stage is to release the 10 x by planting seeds or coral. “WELCOME TO THE REWILDING !” WELCOME HOME! FINANCIAL PLAN 6.1 ASSUMPTIONS We assume nothing , expect nothing and limit ourselves from nothing. If we do something it is from our own energy, imagination and love. Unconditionally. We work as if every day is our last. We hold true that everyone is valuable and keeping your word is important for the sake of trust. For TRUST is something you give or receive freely but RESPECT is something you must earn. In business like in everything we must keep our word. This is our security. This is our freedom. We know this vision is great and it will bring peace and prosperity to all of Sinai and maybe even beyond. But it depends on the cooperation and mutual understanding of those who govern us. Without them we cannot achieve our goals. It is for this reason we ask for legality and permission to do what we must do together and fully accountable to all. 6.2 FINANCING AND INVESTMENTS Our Financing & Investments:( Proposals for financing will be put in place at the appropriate time once all permissions have been given for the complete restoration of the coral reef and the replacement of single use plastics.) 1. Crowdfunding 2. 10 USD for each tourist landing at the airport in Sharm El Sheikh. ( 5 USD for one coral and 5 USD for admin costs to central government) . It is free and everyone will gladly pay. Their receipt will be a crypto-coral token ensuring the survival of the coral reef , the community, tourism and the environment forever. We need your help. To make this a reality it must be done collectively and collaboratively. We can plant coral. We can operate the financial systems to register each coral with each token and GPS coordinate. We can work with the dive centres and the freedivers. But we need the green light from the army and from the government. Our partners are ready to invest large amounts if everything is in place. This is the test ground. 3. International foundations, World Bank , UN and the European Union development fund. 4. Corporate Sponsors Investment will stay in Egypt unless the board agrees other countries need this technology. Investment needs to be scaled up from 2024 once all necessary technology and resources are in place. It will take 10 years to restore 40 years of damage. MASS TOURISM has affected us all. Its given jobs but also it hurts our environment. This CHALLENGE will require millions of not billions in investment and the funding will happen if legal permissions are granted by all stakeholders in the central government up to presidential level. TABLE: PLEDGES GRANTED ref source : 1. 2. 3. 4. ORGANIZATION NAME SPONSORSHIP / PLEDGE AMOUNT Canada Global Affairs $100000.00 Earth Love Fund $300000.00 European Commission – Environment $2000000.00 Global Innovation Fund $1000000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $3400000.00 6.3 FUNDRAISING The Rewilding Project works by Freewill OFFERINGS & Donations we do not receive any subsidies from anyone and therefore are not beholden to any agenda. Our first project is regarding a coral plantation in the Sinai. All the costs required to build, design and maintain these coral should of course prove a chain of benefits to the local community but also be self supporting and not rely on any funds from any local or international organisation. It is kept alive by individuals who care about the Earth we live in and the society we inhabit. For the prototype coral table we propose five stages over 6 months. 1. Design and construction of first tables. This includes public offering of NFTS ( non fungible tokens minted by solana- liquid or lightning network and exhibited in Decentraland art gallery metaverse- as well as printed and framed for exhibition in art museums and galleries around the world. For lay persons these means anyone can buy an original piece of art or part of it to support a coral plantation. The Red Sea ( and global)coral has been depleted over the last 35 years by more than 50%. Ref: 2. The placing or siting in the nearshore arena of around 3 to 6 meters of calm water of the table or tables. 3. The harvesting of broken coral , microfragmenting of coral species and the surgical gluing of these fragments to the pyramid structure fixed onto the tables. 4. The out-planting or transplanting of these fused modules after 6 months to designated dead reefs along the 20 km coastline on the Sinai from 3 pools to Blue Lagoon. 5. The ongoing data collection,scientific observation and cleaning of the fragments as they grow tissue 10 times faster than normal in the 6 month window. Some stages are done with others. Eg stage or step 5. So the first step or stage is to place the table into the water. Second step or stage is to collect broken yet living single species of coral along the reef and to microfragment them on land by hand. With surgical super glue. The third step is to glue these onto a ceramic or cement module immediately and then to place the module onto the submerged table. The fourth step or stage is to harvest the coral modules after 6 months in the nursery and then to outplant them directly onto the reef that is dead. The FIFTH stage of data collection for research and development purposes is ongoing by volunteers. We need to fund raise for all 5 of these stages. This is how we calculate the costs: Each coral fragment has around 5 polyps. They are a living animal and when microfragmenting occurs they should be kept wet and submerged immediately once the module is covered with the tiny coral which is a few centimetres apart from each other. The entire process will be overseen by qualified marine biologists. We need to raise around 5 USD per micro fragmented coral. Each coral will have a GPS number once submerged and monitored over the 6 month period. We expect around an 80% survival rate of the coral using our techniques with 20 % going to adverse conditions and predation. ( fish or other predators eating new tissue). Each side of the pyramid is around 21cm long and 7 cm high which can hold around 20 pieces of coral. This will be fused together over the 6 to 2.5 year period. The most difficult part of the operation is the first 6 months. That is why we need to raise the funds to ensure its survival. Each module will need around 100 USD a side or 400USD for the whole thing. On one 1 metre x 1.3 m table up to 16 modules can be planted. The table will eventually become . This will be enhanced by tying broken parts of the new artificial coral reef in time. Space between coral has to be encouraged so these numbers may be less considering the species of coral being planted. There are over 320 coral species in the Red Sea. Each table or nursery can only plant one particular species. We cannot mix species in the nursery stage. Saving our planet pays because it's in everyone's interest to forward plan for mutual survival. There is an abundance of resources for this purpose. We ask for permission to save the Planet from human destruction… but in truth..all of us working together ARE permission. “ We can do Better together!” The fundraising plan works this way : ATTRACT- INTEREST – ACT! By creating content that shows and alternative way of doing things we are attracting investors and investment. By creating prototypes and projects that test the workability we are giving confidence to the marketplace. By doing what we say we are manifesting the new in the shadow of the old against all odds. Seeing is believing. Once people see the vision first hand and realise its potential its easy to ask for support. To this end we need permission to conduct our experiment here in the Sinai by registering a legal entity and opening up a bank account. Every penny will be accounted for and used for the purpose of this project. That is our commitment and our word. 1. Initial freewill donations or offerings using a magic hat for work and materials to construct the prototype. 2. The offering of each coral on each pyramid for a small donation of 5 USD each coral. Receipt for coral is 5 tokens. NOBODY will be turned away for lack. Everyone will be able to donate to at least one coral. As an incentive we are creating a new coral token called :“AWOOSHA”. Every dollar will be matched by a “ WOOSH coin “. Value is traded up as the market begins to accept the coins. The Community will also receive wallets on telegram using TON Coin which is interchangeable and they can hold on to or redeem their tokens after 2 years once the system is in place and the coral have been out planted on the dead reefs. Ref: (The awoosha economy. ) We hope to create NFT tokens or crypto art that could also be sold to raise funds for the scaling up of the project . Also coral could be used as a guarantee of value and then it would have value for everyone. We have all the technical support and know how to make this happen. Plant a coral is like putting gold in the bank..only the bank is in the ocean. Crypto coral is already doing this. And they are ready to work with anyone who is doing what we are doing. We are a good idea whose time has come! Ref 3. The creation of a financial pool to support workers on this project and to scale up and to employ local artisans to maintain and to build coral tables. All it requires is the will from local government. Resources are there in place. WE can link this chain of benefits to artisanry and sell part for fiat and part for crypto backed by coral deposits. “Good for the Earth- Good for Everyone!” Ref “ “ There are pilot projects that are setting up this circular economy and the model are working. We just need government stakeholders to help us facilitate the process of saving the coral reefs and improving the local economy. The funds are already in place and waiting for sponsorship – volunteers and resources… and of course legal permissions. This is up to the local government and their people. If we are unable to do it here we will go elsewhere. But we wish to stay here. 4. Foundations and many funding operations wait for proposals each day from all over the world. They want to see practical ways they can give money. In Germany alone there are over 21000 foundations who give money to projects such as this one. 5. Government and tourist related industries. Hotels in the Seychelles and other places survive on coral reefs. Because if there are no coral reefs ..there are no fish and therefore no tourism anymore. Thus private companies charge up to 15USD a coral to plant one piece. We ask for only 5USD because we are a non profit organisation who wish to help the community and the Earth. 6. Other initiatives are waiting to be rewilded ..for example the plastic industry. WE can produce alternative solutions that are cheaper and safer. These projects meet ALL 17 UN sustainability goals. The current paradise does not. We hope to change that and other imbalances by 2035. This is not just about the coral. This is about the Earth and all who live on it. Ref: or water from air Hotels: TABLE: FUNDRAISING FIRST 6 MONTHS to a year ( Conservative Estimate) EVENT TYPE ANTICIPATED AMOUNT RAISED Art Exhibition ( on and offline) $300.00 Coral Lectures $300.00 Crypto NFT sales $400.00 Ezine subscriptions memberships per annum @ 3USD per person Other Events Donation etc $300.00 $300.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $1500.00 23.563 .00 LE All monies received are the freewill offerings of people who care about this vision and the environment to bring Man and Nature together for lasting peace 6.4 FUNDING TABLE: FUNDING SOURCE AND USE OF FUNDS 1.Private Donations – (donations and crowdfunding ) 5000$- used to create a prototype to prove a concept. 2.Sale of NFTS ( Non Fungible Tokens) and other Art pieces 5000$- to be created 3.Project proposals ( EU and other private foundations) 3,400,000 $- to be raised 4. General Fund ( Global Environment fund for Climate Change ) 1,000,000$- to be sourced. 5. Sponsorships ( Big corporates eg Coca Cola ) 5,000,000$- awaiting legal go ahead. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7.1 PROJECTED EXPENSES TABLE: PROJECTED EXPENSES EXPENSE QTY COST AMOUNT CATEGORY 1 Coral Project : PEOPLE VOLUNTEERS FOR 10 DAY OUTPLANTING 10 10 USD PER DAY 1000 $ Administration and secretarial – public relations- communications and promotions - PR person with social media experience 1 1 10 USD PER DAY 400$ 500$ Project Manager – Managers- Focalisers Divemasters & Coral farmers 1 2 1000USD each 2000$ 2000$ CATEGORY 2 Coral project : MATERIALS Coral Tables to be constructed 100 200 USD each 20000$ Other materials for constructing pyramidic modules eg cement – wire- tools Module 21cm by 21 cm by 7 cm high @ 15 $ each x 16 is 240 x 100 240 $ 2400 $ CATEGORY 3 Plastic Upcycling & Carbon Sequestrating Cleanup , recycling and upcycling of materials collected. Planting of Alterantive crops to create carbon credits eg hemp or algae. TOTAL 7.2 PROJECTED CASH FLOW STATEMENT TABLE: PROJECTED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 22-23 CATEGORY / TYPE PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Coastal Cleanups January to March 1500$ April to August 2500$ September to December 2000$ Administration & Marketing 300$ 500$ 400$ Educational Outreach 900$ 1500$ 1200$ TOTAL CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2700$ 4500$ 3600$ INVESTING ACTIVITIES Housing & Office space 1800$ 3000$ 2400$ Coral Plantation- Tables and maintenance @ 400 USD per table x 1200$ 4000$ 8000$ Permaculture Farming 1500$ 2500$ 1500$ TOTAL CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 4500$ 9500$ 11900$ FINANCING ACTIVITIES Crowdfunding 2000$ 4000$ 8000$ Project Proposals 0 10000$ 20000$ Sale of Digital Paintings & Awoosha tokens 100000$ 200000$ 400000 TOTAL CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 120000$ 214000$ 428000$ TOTALS NET CASH FLOW 4000$ STARTING CASH BALANCE 5000$ ENDING CASH BALANCE 1000$ 7.3 BALANCE SHEET TABLE: BALANCE SHEET CATEGORY / TYPE PERIOD 1 JAN-MARCH PERIOD 2 APRIL-AUGUST PERIOD 3 SEPT- DEC ASSETS Equipment : eg Cameras- Go Pro- Laptops-Mobiles 6000$ 10000$ 6000$ Stationery 300$ 500$ 300$ Training & expertise in all fields – diving- coral -biology-legal – graphic design- IT etc Priceless Priceless Priceless TOTAL ASSETS 6300$ 10500$ 6300$ LIABILITIES Transportation & Housing 4500$ 7500$ 4500$ Food & Entertainment 600$ 1000$ 600$ Communications 300$ 500$ 300$ Materials and Outsourcing 600$ 1000$ 600$ TOTAL LIABILITIES 6000$ 10000$ 6000$ EQUITY Equipment 10000$ 10000 10000 Houses 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Cars 50000 50000 50000 Investments 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 TOTAL EQUITY 3,560,000 3.560,000 3,560,000 TOTAL ASSETS 3,560,000 3,560,000 3,560,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 3,566,000 3,570,000 3,566,000 APPENDIX For more reading I include these blogs I've written as well as to check these websites :*** *** - some websites marked with an asterisk are still under construction but are registered in the organisation. Facebook groups : THE SINAI REWILDERS CLUB AND THE REWILDING PROJECT 1. ENVIRONOMICS : 2. CRYPTOFUTURES : 3. AWOOSHA ECONOMY : 4. REWILDING THE CORAL REEFS: 5. CO2 & PLASTICS : 6. WATER FROM AIR: 7. MOZAMBIQUE 8.BRAZIL FIRES 2020 : AMAZON BOOK COMING SOON : “ HOW TO REWILD THE PLANET!” …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. DEFINITIONS: A.” THE REWILDING”: "re" means to “do again” or “go back.” "wild" is to be " unusual".. excellent or "untamed.". thus -'"to go back to an untamed state. Or an unusual state . " - and by doing so rediscover what it is you then seek. is it ?...: the Absolute…?-the Primal Self…? the Equilibrium?…. and what is the act of REWILDING? - it is doing an action to recover or recalibrate - or reconfigure -or rediscover forgotten or missed data or information about a subject that was present - but lost in translation - culture or history ... we cannot change the present if we don't learn from the past. This is what defines us now in this moment. - the Divine Milieu of Carnage - Conditioning and CHANGE...and the emerging evolution of -and the acceleration of consciousness...towards that change. to rewild... to return- or go back to an UN -usual state of being... and then become something new and fresh.. What is that?- what does it mean ? -to compost the OLD with the NEW? Perhaps... or just to be OPEN to change ??? Maybe. When? Perhaps today. ********** A* REWILDING *IS *A* HAPPENING!* ... and re-looking at something ignored before... - to bring it backwards or forwards into a better -more natural... more pristine state..a sovereign.. creative and a transformed state of being.. even better than before. but never to its original state as our friends David and Klaas might wish. A REWILDED ONE its a re-balancing and a re-thinking of what was taken for granted before by doing something new... something that only a RE-VOLUTIONARY MIND could unveil .. uncover and re-discover...REWILD... and to become a re-wilder you don't have to be a crazy diamond...!!! - just a revolutionary mind that thinks out of the box… AWAKENED FROM SLUMBER. A person that is prepared “to HUMBLY go where no beings have gone before” if necessary to discover the secret sauce to life... the universe... and everything! -there is no magic formula.. its fluid.. its a state of mind. We are learning by doing. The Rewilder is the next level Rainbow warrior and Lightworker. It is the UPGRADE! We don't look at national or economic or ideological artificial boundaries anymore. There are no EXPECTATIONS ,but also no LIMITATIONS! That's ALL gone! WE HAVE AWAKENED. Our cultures,languages, stories, traditions and tribes all enhance our lives … but they don't define them. What we ARE- does! WHO WE ARE... To be a REWILDER is to live each day as if its a completely NEW adventure. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE FREE. HALLELUJAH!...You can rewild anything. Its a state of Being - Doing - Thinking and Feeling. It is a state of true existence. There are NO LIMITS except those that you place on yourself. No lines that cannot be crossed. No frontiers that cannot be forged. No walls that cannot be climbed. No oceans that cannot be swum. You are infinite and you are beautiful… Your own fears healthy or unhealthy...its all your own head. ...there is no progress until we face that shadow side...until the lines we have drawn and the fixed ideas we have orbiting in our solar systems from year to year… are rewilded in the Mycellium of symphonic synergy. “You are the Mirror of the Universe… and all about you are a reflection of yourself… the light and the shadows.” The part of you that you are NOT willing to look at. That is the shadow. For good..or for bad..or the ugly… how you embrace and celebrate it it is your choice alone. And we can only change the present by rewilding the past. For the past is all within you. As is the future. Yet at times... until you reduce yourself to an amoeba.. to remove the layers of the onion until you come to the centre.. the kernel...of that new truth… we stumble in the darkness in the shadows without light to guide us… and we simply waste time. Finding your purpose -and living it are two separate or distinct events. But once you remove the veil... -that's a rewilding event. Inside our minds and hearts we are totally free. For the right or for the wrong. WE* ARE *FREE!*. Looking into the dark corners of our souls.. we find illumination...and enlightenment in pure Love and total Equilibrium… and Oneness. -And the greatest thing is that there are nearly 8 billion vacancies available. There's a job for everyone. Because if we are to RE-wild the Earth and become sentient.. not separate.. we are going to have to REWILD ourselves too in fact everyone. YOU & THE PLANET and all living and sovereign beings are sentient & united ... interconnected and interdependent… perfected. ONENESS! This is a giant shift in consciousness! The Rewilding of this Planet Earth is a global happening and nothing can stop it. Welcome to the Rewilding ! Welcome to the Happening . GO PLANET ! GO REWILDERS ! *Awoosha!* 3B. EVERYTHING ELSE: 1. MAN- Despite it being a term mostly used 50 years ago it has resurged once more and returns to its basic meaning… male and female .. a generic word for all of humanity and human or mankind. This is a timeless statement made by Neil Armstrong speaking for ALL of humanity.. male, female and hermaphrodite. We have no qualms about using it here again as it was intended. 2. ETHICS: In this thesis we mean : “THE HIGHEST REASON TOWARDS COMMON SURVIVAL OF ALL LIVING BEINGS PARTICULARLY HUMANITY ON PLANET EARTH. “ All of our 8 algorithms calculates towards the quotient of the Equilibrium. Also ethics is the concepts of moral right and wrong and moral good and bad, to any philosophical theory of what is morally right and wrong or morally good and bad, and to any system or code of moral rules, principles, or values. 3. EQUILIBRIUM: : “a state of balance between opposing forces or actions that is either static or dynamic” . The equilibrium here is referred to as the state of Nature that sustains all life on planet Earth. 4. ELOHI: “of or pertaining to the deity”, “god-like”, or “divine”. more than human- an adjective relating to angelic beings- (Hebrew התחלה, clearly mabda’ in Arabic] some say derives from Elohim meaning God and is male or female. Root in Hebrew is strength or power. El is used over 200 times to describe some form of God and eloi or eli or elihay … “ELAH” is the name for God, used about 70 times in the Old Testament. It is very similar to Arabic “Allah” or ‘Eelah’. إِلٰهَ Elahh [hla]‘ (Aramaic; el-aw’): corresponding to God. [Arabic Bible uses ‘Allah’ for God] In Hebrew [hwla] ‘elowahh el-o’-ah; probably prolonged (emphat.) from [la]‘el ale; a deity or the Deity:–God, god.. Jesus uses it on the cross to say “ Eli, eli lamach God , my God why hast thou forsaken me. Some say he is proclaiming allah in the aramaic but it is personal..others say that elohi is derived from the aramaic to mean or describe a multiple or plural of gods. King David speaks about this in psalm 22 where he says ( as well as Paul the apostle-) I said you are gods… ( Elohi ( divine- eternal and angelic light beings- incorruptible. ) In my own meditation on this word and experience it ascribes to a plural form of an angelic or godlike people. A heavenly tribe sent to heal the planet. The Elohi. 5. IKIGAI (生き甲斐, 'a reason for being') is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living. 6. PRO FORMA :The term pro forma is most often used to describe a practice or document that is provided as a courtesy or satisfies minimum requirements, conforms to a norm or doctrine, tends to be performed perfunctorily or is considered a formality, Latin for “as a matter of form” or “for the sake of form”, is a method of calculating financial results using certain projections or presumptions. 7. AMOEBA : What is Amoeba? Amoeba is a unicellular organism that has the ability to change its shape. They are usually found in water bodies such as ponds, lakes and slow-moving rivers. Sometimes, these unicellular organisms can also make their way inside the human body and cause various illnesses.One of the first reports referencing amoebas dates can be traced back to the 18th century. A German naturalist named August Johann Rösel von Rosenhof discovered a specimen and made detailed illustrations of the same in 1755. Structure of Amoeba Typically, most amoebas are characterized by the following features: Movement occurs through the use of pseudopodia, where the cytoplasm pushes the plasma membrane outward or inward, creating blunt, finger-like projections. There can be multiple pseudopodia at one particular instance, hence, its shape rapidly changes. Structure of amoeba primarily encompasses 3 parts – the cytoplasm, plasma membrane and the nucleus. The cytoplasm can be differentiated into 2 layers – the outer ectoplasm and the inner endoplasm The plasma membrane is a very thin, double-layered membrane composed of protein and lipid molecules. Amoeba also contains other cellular organelles such as a contractile vacuole, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and fat globules. Amoeba consumes food either through the process of phagocytosis or pinocytosis. The process of reproduction is through asexual means, such as binary fission. The lifespan of a typical amoeba is 2 days, but because it undergoes binary fission, the resulting daughter cells are the same as its parent cell, so technically, amoebas can be termed as immortal. When living conditions are not ideal, an amoeba can essentially transform itself into a protective ball, called a microbial cyst. When living conditions become better, it can revert back to its trophozoite stage, where it can start feeding again. An amoeba is a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic. Huge "amoebas" have been spotted in the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans. The giants of the deep are so-called xenophyophores, sponge-like animals that—like amoebas—are made of just one cell. Algae grow best when they receive 10 -15 hours of sunlight a day and the temperature stays between 60-80° F. How does it eat? To eat, the amoeba stretches out the pseudopod, surrounds a piece of food, and pulls it into the rest of the amoeba's body. Amoebas eat algae, bacteria, other protozoans, and tiny particles of dead plant or animal matter. Amoebas of the genus Acanthamoeba also can cause severe infections in humans: a sight-threatening corneal infection called Acanthamoeba keratitis, caused by poor contact lens hygiene, leading to outbreaks in cities around the world. Though you can't see them, amoebas are everywhere. They live in soil, ponds, lakes, forests and rivers. If you scoop up a handful of dirt in the woods, it will probably contain hundreds of thousands of amoebas. It's important to note that they are not endemic to salt water areas but FRESHwater or more accurately..stagnant water. However, as an organism they hold the keys to understanding life on planet Earth. Single-celled amoebae were an early form of life on Earth that evolved in the sea. According to science and evolution… amoebas are the Foundations of Life on Earth. “The earliest life forms we know of were microscopic organisms (microbes) that left signals of their presence in rocks about 3.7 billion years old. Wikipedia. And this is all science will and can tell you right now. But it could be wrong… if a complex developed human being came from an amoeba...then so too is God and amoeba if we were made in His or Her Image. Perhaps we should dig deeper? So accordingly the science says coral reefs are also the result of this early evolution. The difference between amoeboids and algae is that one is more animal and the other is plant… algae. Our focus must be in the Rewilding project to save algae. 8. ALGAE: Algae are a diverse group of aquatic organisms that have the ability to conduct photosynthesis. Certain algae are familiar to most people. Algae require warmth, sunlight, and nutrients to grow and reproduce, so they live in the upper 60 to 90 meters (200 to 300 feet) of ocean water. The upper layer of water, the epipelagic zone, is rich in oxygen, penetrated by sunlight, and warmer than water at lower levels. Algae produce OXYGEN. They play a vital role in aquatic ecosystems by forming the energy base of the food web for all aquatic organisms. As autotrophic organisms, algae convert water and carbon dioxide to sugar through the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere. But this figure is not exact… Scientists estimate that 50-80% of the oxygen production on Earth comes from the ocean. The majority of this production is from oceanic plankton — drifting plants, algae, and some bacteria that can photosynthesize. Therefore, conservative estimates say that algae produce the majority of more than half of the world's oxygen! Corals feed in a symbiotic relationship with algae...they eat algae… and when they are bleached..the oxygen level decreases. That's how important algae are and coral bleaching! Despite their size, algae perform some of the most crucial tasks in ecology: to produce oxygen and to be the very base of the food chain. Most reef-building corals depend upon zooxanthellae (tiny little algae that grow inside of them) to photosynthesize and provide food. If the water becomes cloudy or murky, or if corals are covered in sediment, the sunlight can't get to the zooxanthellae and the corals lose that important food source.So corals become white when there are no algae..its important to note that healthy coral have algae and this is where the colours come from… because the coral have algae of different colours living in the coral reefs. The corals and algae have a mutualistic relationship. SYMBIOSIS. The coral provides the algae with a protected environment and compounds they need for photosynthesis. In return, the algae produce oxygen and help the coral to remove wastes. It's important to note that corals also survive on other organic matter and even small fishes...Bleached Coral: Coral is left bleached and vulnerable. Without the algae, the coral loses its major source of food, turns white or very pale, and is more susceptible to disease. Half of the corals on the Red Sea have become bleached in the last 50 years. Or less. Its the same story right across the planet.What is more surprising is that, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Prochlorococcus are the “smallest photosynthetic organism on Earth.” Yet, they are responsible for most of the oxygen produced from the ocean. They make up to 20% of the oxygen in our biosphere—more than all the rainforests on land can produce. Simply put, that is the answer to “how much oxygen does algae produce?”. For instance, algae can photosynthesize like plants, and they possess specialized structures and cell-organelles, like centrioles and flagella, found only in animals. Listed below are some of the general characteristics of algae. Specific general characteristics of algae are common to plants as well as animals. Algae are photosynthetic organisms Algae can be either unicellular or multicellular organisms Algae lack a well-defined body, so, structures like roots, stems or leaves are absent Algaes are found where there is adequate moisture. Reproduction in algae occurs in both asexual and sexual forms. Asexual reproduction occurs by spore formation. Algae are free-living, although some can form a symbiotic relationship with other organisms. Algae do not like moving water or surface agitation and prefer the still, stagnant areas to thrive. Surface agitation is also beneficial because it helps to mix up the algae that is already present within the water column. Another study suggests viruses play a part in killing algae. This is why coral reefs are so important in the propagation of algae. Microalgae grow fast, and some can double in size in 24 hours. The other type of algae, macroalgae, are more commonly known as seaweed. They are fast-growing marine and freshwater plants that can grow to considerable size. Algae can be grown and harvested like any other agricultural crop. Once harvested, the oil can be extracted and refined into biodiesel, gasoline and even jet fuel. In addition to algae oil, the protein and carbohydrates in algae can also be used for food, animal feed, health products and supplements, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and even cosmetics. Onland algae is like hemp … it produces oxygen and can be used to produce many other products . Hemp is the same. These are the things we need to be growing on the planet. And like amoeba ..algae is one of the oldest living organism like spores from mushrooms which can be used to biodegrade plastics and rewild our garbage dumps. Fungi can compost just about anything man makes. Algae can produce between 2,000-5,000 gallons or around 9000 liters to 22 000 liters of fuel per acre, far more than any other renewable feedstock. Algae can grow on marginal, or non-crop, land, so they don’t compete with valuable agricultural land. They can grow in brackish, salt- or polluted water, so they don’t require freshwater resources. They consume carbon dioxide (CO2) and emit oxygen as they grow, so they help reduce the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. In fact Oil comes from organic matter. It's a battery and not much has to be done to it to provide fuel. It needs to be repeated…Petroleum, also called crude oil, is a fossil fuel. Like coal and natural gas, petroleum was formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms, such as plants, algae, and bacteria. Algae or hemp has to be processed. The only thing that has stopped us doing so is greed ,laziness,costing and corruption in our governments. They get taxes from each liter sold at the pump. In fact this is where the majority of their taxes come from in some nations.The main difference between protozoa and algae is that protozoa are heterotrophic, animal-like organisms whereas algae are autotrophic, plant-like organisms. This means protozoa ingest organic molecules by phagocytosis while algae produce their own food by photosynthesis. HEMP- ALGAE – TREES AND PLANTS are what creates the first algorithm. Without these ..all life would perish on our planet Earth. That's why we need them. That's why we need to protect and nurture them and create a new economic system to support them. That's what Proof of Ethics is all about… using satellite imaging we can verify the planting and maintaining of each plant in each square metre of the Planet. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY!!! - there's no excuse now. Algae ..a plant… keeps us all alive. More than half of the planet! It gives us oxygen to breathe and food to eat. When a coral bleaching event occurs anywhere in the world..the algae dies. That's why it looks white..because there's no algae left. In the Red Sea- more than half has disappeared in the last 50 years or less. The problem is ..nobody even knows the connection between the two. Bleaching and the death of algae. 9. FUNGI : Fungi (singular: fungus) are a kingdom of usually multicellular eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrophs (cannot make their own food) and have important roles in nutrient cycling in an ecosystem. Fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually, and they also have symbiotic associations with plants and bacteria. Fungus, plural fungi, any of about 144,000 known species of organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which includes the yeasts, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds, and mushrooms. There are also many funguslike organisms, including slime molds and oomycetes (water molds), that do not belong to kingdom Fungi but are often called fungi. Many of these funguslike organisms are included in the kingdom Chromista. Fungi are among the most widely distributed organisms on Earth and are of great environmental and medical importance. Many fungi are free-living in soil or water; others form parasitic or symbiotic relationships with plants or animals. All organic material goes back to the Earth and is absorbed by the mycelium that lives inside the ground… this underground network eats all the matter..composts it and converts it into proteins and sugars and then decides who to feed and who not.. the roots of these trees and plants then suck it up and utilize it to grow bigger… and then the trees through their leaves exhale ..oxygen..which WE breath in… the only difference between algae and trees and fungi really is its structure. So without light..none of these organisms could live very long and consequently all life on Earth would die out. We could live in darkness with processed food… but it wouldn't be too long before we too would succumb. It is said that fungi can dissolve plastics and even radioactive wastes and cancer… whether it can or not we need to study this more and find ways to employ these organisms into the eco system as a whole. This is true science. Acting as a mirror of what already exists..and making it better ! Fungi have the potential of dissolving almost all of our toxic waste on Earth.( including the hardest- radioactive waste) 1O. BACTERIA: Bacteria are small single-celled organisms. Bacteria are found almost everywhere on Earth and are vital to the planet's ecosystems. Though small, bacteria are powerful and complex. They can also survive in extreme conditions. Bacteria have a tough protective coating that boosts their resistance to white blood cells in the body. Bacteria feed in different ways. Heterotrophic bacteria, or heterotrophs, get their energy through consuming organic carbon. Most absorb dead organic material, such as decomposing flesh. Some of these parasitic bacteria kill their host, while others help them. Bacteria and fungi are two types of microscopic organisms. The main difference between bacteria and fungi is that bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic organisms whereas fungi are multicellular eukaryotic organisms. Both bacteria and fungi contain DNA as their genetic material. Similarities Between Bacteria and Fungi Both bacteria and fungi are microscopic organisms. The genetic material of both bacteria and fungi is DNA. Both bacteria and fungi are heterotrophs. Both bacteria and fungi can be saprophytes or parasites. Both bacteria and fungi are composed of a cell wall, which is made up of polysaccharides. Both bacteria and fungi require warmth, moisture, and nutrients for growth. Both bacteria and fungi can be either useful or harmful. 11. GLOCAL : Official definition: of or relating to the interconnection of global and local issues, factors, etc.: a glocal conference on community development…of or relating to the tailoring of globally available products and services to local markets: a glocal sales strategy. Unofficially: To be glocal means to be interconnected through the mycelium network and the hive mind to be more effective locally and to realise everything impacts everything. 12. Critical mass & Tipping Point : To rewild our planet we must find a way to produce or grow and to direct these mostly asexual organisms to consume waste products by humans and CO2 and to create more oxygen. With the new blockchain technology and satellite imaging we can both verify and prove ethical behaviour of humanity as a whole. And NFTs have the potential to get rid of bank accounts, title deeds , tickets, passwords and passports forever. 4. PART ONE : EDUCATION a. A Brief History of the Earth : Some people say we all developed and came out of the oceans...the seas… salt water. Others say we were magically formed from the dust of the Earth in the Image of God who IS Love. Others say we are actually not really here but are all living in a software programme- a simulation. Then there are others who say we came from starseeds in other galaxies far far away… and somehow travelled through space and time faster than the speed of light and warped our way into this dimension… But nobody can tell you unequivocally what is true and what is not...they may state it or believe it or know it...but truly the only way to know is through direct experience or knowledge and normally it must be backed up by hard irrefutable evidence. Now some people may say that science is irrefutable or the word of God in paper form… others may say they channelled the knowledge or it was revealed to them by a mysterious angel… but in truth… we can only know with our own direct experience. So what is the history of this planet we call Earth? Why is it alone amongst the stars as an incredible lifeboat in a desert of lifeless stars unreachable by any technology we now have? The word SCIENCE… means “ to know” – but as the most clever philosopher of all time once said - ( Socrates) - “ the only thing I know I know nothing!” this was as a result of a chat one day at the “placa”or Athens about how many teeth were inside the donkey approaching them. Myself, I have travelled the world and spoken to many gurus and mystics and saints and ordinary people… I have used many psychotropic medicines to find this truth and everything I know has to come from what I have experienced and know more..and even then… if my perception was wrong at the time and I was deceived .. I will only truly know when I leave this mortal coil… The Buddhists and the Hindus believe in many gods or a supreme being or the Siddhi – the enlightened masters. To some for example the new age … they don't believe in the concept of good and evil as we know it… but what is a direct consequence of our actions on the living material plane. In this way it frees us up to not live in the restrictive ambience of religious constrictions… and that's why ..partly- because there's always a price… It's partly why the new tek is being downloaded every day from the ether by people like Elon musk. It's already there… it's just an opening of the mind.. if we look at the history of the planet… look no further than its discoveries of breakthroughs like TV – discovered in Hastings and in America more or less at the same time… but even innovation cannot bring satisfaction if you've sold your soul to the highest amount of good work can bring you true personal peace… it's only found in complete surrender. In the case of around half the world's population that is to a supreme being. But what or who is this supreme being and why are we fighting each other over it ? Islam- Christianity and Judaism all believe in ONE Almighty God who spoke one day in the vast expanse of the multiverse and said… “ Let there be Light!” and then his spoken word became flesh and blood and dwelt amongst us..that man is Jesus Christ who otherwise was called Emmanuel or God is with us. Then of course you have the pagan beliefs and the indigenous peoples or first nations who some say came from another dimension… the Hopi call it the “ fourth world” and its located near the Grand Canyon… from here souls pass through a portal into another world… completely different with different physical laws than our own… others talk about “ our starseed relations… In my own travels to speak to Sufi mystics in Lefke in North Cyprus or Mount Athos and all the holy sites of Orthodoxy… or the Gerondas – spiritual guides who stand before the icons of Mary – Jesus and at times Joseph… tell of a Lost Eden that shifts in another dimension from place to place… in 1997 they said it was over Mongolia… and to some they call this SHAMBALA – the Lost Horizon where space and time meet and all bodies that have ascended are glowing with golden stars and light and vibrating at high frequencies as they pray night and day for more souls to come into the Kingdom of God… which could be compared to Nirvana… or Paradise… but remember there is a difference … -the 8 fold path that Buddha spoke of … also relates to the good deeds or mitzvah of the Hebrews and the kabbalists… and yes, even the 5 or 6 pillars of Islam and the teachings of Christ. Some of these mystics ..and I've met many… sit in a cave in complete darkness… and brick themselves up … leaving only a hole for food and water to come through… or waste … some spend only 3 and a half years in this self made prison to come closer to the divine light… Some spend 5000 euros on a package holiday to live in a dark cave… Then others may go for an Ayahuasca journey or a mushroom trip… or take LSD… Some may wander naked in the desert for 3 years like Isaiah the prophet or sit on a pillar for 20 years like St Simon… these spiritual athletes unfortunately … have got most of it upside down. Yes, it's good to be ascetic. To follow the path of self abnegation… but in truth… truth comes to you first because of a desire and second because you are open to it coming to don't block your mind with fixed ideas but unlock your mind ..and your spirit to the miracle. The Sinai desert is a very special place because it is here that the law of Moses was given to a Man- MOSES. We cannot say for certain which mountain it was he received..but it doesn't matter. There are holy churches of brick and mortar and stone that say ..this is the right place on your Disneyland map of must see spiritual places.. So we answer the question of life and we understand the history of the planet. What do we know ? 1. There is no place like home. We can imagine another planet with crystal surfboards and silicone bodies cruising on green sand… but in truth… there isn't a more beautiful planet in the Universe like Earth. Sometimes how we treat each other causes us to imagine a better world where we can all telepathically communicate and there cannot exist pain because we share it with each other and don't escalate it… But again..that's a science fiction story… This Earth is so beautiful. It has so many natural wonders that if we were to live 1000 years or more… or 10 000 we wouldn't see it all nor could we appreciate it as much. This really is it. 2. Science is not an exact discipline Science states we were sporadically and spontaneously formed out of a chemical and we were once upon a time… an amoeba which was divided into two cells… It says that we are physically evolving and offers proof in the form of the mutation of lizard species and others… It says we crawled out of the sea as a blob and then swung from trees in Africa before shortening our limbs and walking on two legs instead of four because the weather changed. It says this happened quite remarkably here by a complete accident and it happened to millions of species here on Earth because of the food they ate and the place they lived…that we can all prove this by carbon dating and looking at the fossils trapped in hard rock or in the ice of Siberia. And anyone that disagrees is a conspiracy theorist and should be banned from Facebook and twitter… and not invited to elegant dinners of the sophisticated. Cancelled. No Hollywood contracts or visas to the high life of society. If you don't believe in Darwin as your personal Lord and Savior...then you are in denial. That's rational science. It's apolitical and areligious and takes no prisoners. It's absolutist but is often wrong. But it's what we know at the time. It can be improved. It's the truth...logic... TRULY? Whenever, I find someone trying to force any kind of doctrine in my mouth and down my throat.. it just makes me ask more and more questions… and as far as science is concerned… its not a perfect discipline. Everyone knows that. The only thing Creationists and Evolutionists agree on is the Big Bang… but it hasn't got much further than that since 19 hundred and dot. They are still arguing the toss. 3. God is still around. In creation theory or teaching it believes in ONE God that made everything in 7 days as we experience it today. Before that there was nothing. Just a void. For nihilists and atheists ..they believe we all go into a sleep..a darkness with no memory..nothing.. and this is a good thing. … just nothingness. Because there are no consequences to sin and no good or evil. For Hindus we go one step further… There are millions of gods..everything is a god. You and I are gods… infinite, eternal and consequently being reborn into something else every lifetime until we stop the karmic wheel of cause and effect and like Buddha..ascend into the void..or the light..depending on which strain of spirituality you follow. Having stone or wood statues or pictures all help us to focus our energy and our prayers… But others believe that one man has conquered the cycle of birth and death and all religions will be reconciled to HIM… in this case..the Messiah..for there is no jew or gentile..all are ONE in Messiah.. AND some say you must give them all your money or at least 10% on Sundays after the collection plate passes around to be blessed and get a good seat in heaven… others of course believe in the 5th ascended master who is the embodiment of Jesus..the Maitreya.. who brings real peace on Earth and good will to all men..and others like the sufis believe the Jews will build a temple in Jerusalem and then Jesus will reign like a king over the whole earth and judge the wicked..and send them to perdition ..hell eternally separated from God the source. It's a frightening thing if you don't repent and see the error of your ways.. or if you don't believe in right or wrong like the new age … good and evil doesn't just means being reborn again into a mosquito or a dolphin depending how good you have been on this plane of existence. So you better live a bloody good life or else you are in shit. Just like Adam… but this time for keeps. There are so many questions … so much unknowing… darkness in the quest for knowledge.. but in cannot experience the light until you experience it. Until it comes into your heart..and you touch it… then you will know what TRUE love truly is.. and this goes beyond science… and the outer world and is so fantastic that most scientists cannot accept its simplicity… For me… I know what I know and this because I have experienced it on my own. Nobody forced or coerced me. It just came like water to a cup. It filled me and unlocked my spiritual Man. A man we all possess. But it's so hard to become like a child again and to keep this relationship going because we all fall short of the glory of God.. we don't get it..and sometimes we prefer to take the easy path and not think about it too much.. but life death or separation exists and in the course of many travels either fasting on a cliff in Mossel Bay or on a bathroom floor in Mexico city being robbed… GOD is everywhere..and miracles do and will continue to happen … it's all about relationship..and Grace..and DIVINE Unconditional Love… and once you realize what it is… then all the books in the world cannot teach you anything more.Knowledge is great like magic ..but it only deals with this living material plane and not the spiritual plane of another world and another the majority of the world..these beliefs are foolish and childish… But it works for me. Does GOD exist? To make it real for everyone we decided to include God in this new Earth… to some it is the Source… and to others.. It's simply the Universe.To some it is Openness or ONE others it is LOVE… but we do not have an adequate explanation yet of why we are here and what keeps us all alive… not yet.. and so … the 8 th algorithm is SOURCE. And if this is so… This Love created the history of this planet and cannot be disputed. All the sadness and misery you see in really beings going away from the source… away from the light..and embracing darkness..nihilism… and by doing so peace is more struggle and you sail through life existing on the system like a parasite… using existing laws but denying the existence of its source… worshipping the sign and not the signer… the creature and not the creator… Because everything once you understand it ..all comes from the source ..the source of all life. And this is a truth only you must experience for yourself. Nobody can tell you or convince you..only your own conscience.And this in essence is the root cause of all conflicts and wars on our tiny Earth. Yes… we must even REWILD WAR … and disease and conflict again and burn it in the light… to do this we must understand the Equilibrium. And understand the SOURCE of love..light and of true peace. Between all living beings. 4. Love is the greatest Love however you look at it can be experienced by anyone and any sentient being on the planet. But in humans we become conscious of this fluid in a different way. We see so many hypocrisies in ourselves and in religions and we can't put the pieces of the puzzle together because it simply doesn't fit. The greatest spirituality follows the way of the heart and IS love. No matter what because LOVE is the greatest thing known to Man and all the technology in the world can't replace it. No machine can duplicate it… and so we know that to sustain life we all must return to the source of love by our thoughts, our words and our actions. The history of this planet has been a struggle between ego and divine love. It is only when we surrender the I that we experience the WE. And what are we ? It is all of us- together. It is what glues us all together..and therefore… It is the greatest algorithm of all. LOVE. To End: So Humankind has looked upon the stars at night since time began… and thought… “ Am I alone?” The New Age has tried to invent new theories and as time has gone by...most of these theories have disappeared into the ether. In fact at the beginning of my travels I went into a big bookshop in Amsterdam with a friend where allegedly you could buy any book printed… and since he was a seasoned traveller I asked him… which book of the new age is the greatest one? - He replied none. I've read them all. Mostly the information is all within us. But , I asked if I want to change the world – is there any book you could recommend? He replied… OK- And he pointed to one… I looked at the cover title- “ STEAL THIS BOOK!” - “ It's the last one he said.” We both laughed. In truth there are many good books to read that can bring you knowledge. And there are many gurus around to bring you knowledge. But in the end must find your own answers by listening to the small still voice you call your conscience. The world's existing religions are followed mostly by people who stop asking the right questions and simply believe and pass it on because it works for them. Essentially, we are at a point in our history where things are not looking too good for the human race, and it is obvious it's not working as we thought it would. It doesn't matter which religion you choose… there is only ONE true way that will bring you to the truth you need… “ The Way of The Heart!” - the history of the world is written in blood, sweat, toil and tears. But now it must change. We cannot keep falling into this mind trap anymore and let our fears control our progress through the stars. We are not alone. The Earth and you are all biological computers with set algorithms and many many civilisations have come and gone throughout the eons of time. We have signs of them. Technologies that no longer exist such as lasers and levitation facilitators. Spend some time in Egypt and go visit a few museums and see how the hieroglyphs were cut in granite stone..with what? Or visit the Amazon forest and find below the surface remnants of ancient civilisations that were far advanced. Human beings may have come from other galaxies..we may be living in a matrix civilisations with reptiles in control… who knows? But the truth is we are ALL created in the IMAGE of God ..and there is no jew or black or Ukrainian or Russian… we are all ONE in Messiah..t his godhead we call: “ PERFECTED” – and if there is no perfect human being alive… we do know one thing… together we are perfected … and if there is love or a god on this planet… then GOD IS ...LOVE! And this is how we must write the future of the planet and learn from its past to bring this love into being...stop killing ..stop misery..stop war… stop waste… stop egotism… stop any negative behavior patterns and show some solidarity to one another. “There is no perfect human being but a perfected humanity in one being. “ The greatest moments in human history have been when the unknown has become known and the oppressed has been freed. In each of our day to day lives we can all begin to give a little more and to learn to live in abundance by this giving. And in this… we shall all be free! I thank you, as you thank me. Aslan 5.PART TWO : MOBILISATION 6. PART THREE “ MANIFESTATION d.VERIFYING PROOF OF ETHICS 1. THE HONOR SYSTEM : Definition: An honor system or honesty system is a philosophical way of running a variety of endeavors based on trust, honor, and honesty. A person engaged in an honour system has a strong negative concept of breaking or going against it. The negatives may include community shame, loss of status, loss of a personal sense of integrity and pride or in extreme situations, banishment from one's community. We did it in our permaculture village and it worked. It was around 90 to 100% effective. Since 2018 this system has spread all around Switzerland but we were practising in the Jura way before then. Around 2015 with jams etc. It would not work in an open market. At least not without years of trials. Therefore , I must give it only a 4 out of ten. Maybe even less in practice. However, we will include it. I have seen how this works in Switzerland. It works on the whole around 80% of the time when people who use it already know that it is based on doing the right thing. But in a random world , this percentage would drop to around 50%… or less. So we will have to create a second or third tier of verification. 2. RANDOM TESTING What we propose is to create a random verification generator. “RVG “. This would verify the GPS randomly and be generated via existing RTG technologies. For example , the GPS coordinates or the symbols of the 8 algorithms would be inputted into the RTG voila...a number would then be generated. For example: 1. Here is a converter into short code including letters – but it has one problem… How do you convert letters? So if we buy a token – it is essentially a number on the blockchain… as is the IP address its bought from… but it's long. The GPS coordinate says .. There's something going on in this location. That is.. a seed was planted… a token released as a result. But it wasn't watered.. or it was cut down.. there are many factors that don't prove the person verifying ethics was unethical or dishonest. Therefore , it cannot be that a GPS can determine ethics. It is only a location. Therefore, it must be at the point of the transaction when the seed or the polyp or coral is bought. A number is generated. As a receipt as well as the intended tile of the Earth its going to be planted in. The buyer can select this. And can buy it at any time. Example 2 An older system of tiling : Here is a newer tek but it costs and is not easy to use. Tiles are used in different ways but we intend to REWILD the planet by allocating individual tiles of around 1o km squared. All this will be developed in open source github and with start up capital. Eg A grid map where anyone can invest in , receive a GPS coordinate as a receipt and then not only receive a trade-able token but another is automatically generated. Each token has a 2 year life span where it has to be held before being sold. Like a tree that springs up from a seed . It must first become a seedling or coraling before being outplanted into the forest- whether that be on the oceans ( coral reefs( or the land ( forests of plants or trees) The purchase of that coordinate and the success rate in planting is another thing. But what has to be verified is the purchase. To do that universally is too much of an undertaking – but each tile will have a number and this is inputted into the RTG which is linked to a special number given to each registered person. That is how it works. If there are 8 billion people on the planet- There are many applications to calculate this eg So the answer is simple. Create a grid map using tiles to cover the planet and add information of value. From 0- to 10. 10 being perfect. 5 average … and this is where the potential client purchases his or her seed to plant. And once the purchase is completed. A token is generated. Now it is up to the development team to use this system of random generation to verify if indeed the seeds are being planted and maintained. But it is only with on the ground verification that the system actually works. Using this process we can reduce the odds of unethical behaviour. RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR : Generates random numbers from input of numbers or symbols. RANDOM.ORG - True Random Number Service UNIVERSAL RANDOM TEST GENERATOR-{ URTG} : A paper written in 2005 to create a universal and not pseudo random generator to make it fair for all. RANDOM TEST GENERATOR ( RTG): To ensure the proof of ethics system is honorable we should generate a test randomly alongside existing ones. 3. REGISTRATION OF CLIENT Therefore, when the client registers he or she is given a number. This number remains with them as long as they are on the system. This unique number can also be randomly generated. Verification comes all randomly rolling a dice.The biggest problem has been to create a random code that cannot be duplicated. But with new technological systems and software not only can we map out the rewilding of the planet, but we can also generate new tokens as each token is purchased. This proof of ethics can therefore be verified randomly using the RTG and combined with the honour system and registration we have a near full proof security system. If unethical behaviour is detected we can work on a 3 strike system to ensure the client remains part of the system and is not outcast. The aim of this verification system is to : 1.Verify transactions and POE ( proof of Ethics) 2. Generate new tokens. ( One for one) 3. Ensure it isn't being abused by the 1 %or two percent who try to hack it. 4. Allocate P.IN. Personal Identifiable Number to allocate an account. 5. Create Confidence that it's possible to save our planet. ……………………………………………………………………... SATELLITE VERIFICATION With the advent of satellite imagery from near earth orbit satellites we can take pictures from space of objects as tiny as a plate. Or a person. Or a coral. Or a tree. This occurs once the random test is generated on the purchase of each first token. Or it can happen on each 10th or 100th transaction. It all depends on costs and ease of execution. Taking satellite images to verify war crimes was and is being used right now and's possible and in two more years it will be a lot cheaper and even more accurate once Starlink goes global. Top 20 Free Satellite Imagery Sources: Update For 2021 ( Further Security : I think remembering the 12 words method is temporary, complicated and pointless and we can do better than this. Each person is unique and we must find out the DNA code of each person or what makes that person identifiable. This may include DOB & Gender or just a random number generated to increase security. However, if the area to be cultivated is “tiled” and “labelled” by sequential number- all the RTG has to do is generate an equal number on the grid… and this is the coordinate of the tile to be verified or given or both. It may be that proof of ethics has to take place immediately by generating a coordinate for verification. These are both operational and security issues. Registration therefore is the starting point of verification. If 1000 people register each day and 100000 plants are planted… 1000 verifications take place. We also have to factor in costs and time factors. True security can only be achieved once we are able to identify that person 100% . This may be a genome number … it could also be an eye scan or fingerprint. Security can cross reference quite easily without putting the burden on the client to remember stuff. We are going to have to rewild how we keep things safe. This happens by doing. However, what happens when you are registered but you want to buy 10 000 Wooshas or WU? The answer is that 1 verification takes place… the FIRST one!- OR the 10th- or the 1000th... Thus each person is given a randomly generated coordinate or sequential number already on the system-linked to their PIN. They can also choose this tile. Once registered in the first quarter of 2.5 years it receives airdrops at any time as the new love economy comes into being and grows. Each first coin given or sold creates or generates a tiled number on the grid for verification. Eg 134933 may generate 3489398. Each tile has a number. It then generates another number once the first tile is bought from the first transaction. This is the verification. The VERIFICATION is then made by email or phone- then physically by SATELLITE IMAGING! If the client has broken ethics then he or she receives a FIRST warning. Or is simply cut off. Nowadays satellite imaging can take photos – accurate pictures from space to within a metre. By 2024 this technology will be ready to put an accurate imaging verification process into being. Thus this will save a lot of leg work and every coin can be verified accurately. If we decide to go with the warning system it will show on that person's account three times before being suspended for 6 months or a year. He or she then has to reapply for the suspension to be removed once that time is up. Each transaction on its first one is more expensive than the others. The first one therefore is for example 10 USD .. whereas the second is 1 USD. Depending on the market value of the WU. Using the blockchain tek we can also reverse engineer it to ensure safety and security of any monies deposited in the “bank vaults' ' of the oceans and the forests of the Earth. CORAL – TREES OR PLANTS – it makes no difference. This is about creating points of carbon collection all across the planet..(carbon credits.) Each of the 20 trillion tiles on the grid are ALL equal. Same price. On any one tile we can replant more and more and even more than one plant… so we go with the minimum necessary to sequestrate the carbon and clean the air. But to find out more we are going to have to examine the numbers! 4.THE NUMBERS AND THE CODE Stable Datum: 1.There are 510 million kilometers on Earth or 510 billion square meters. 2. One plant- one coral or one tree needs to be planted in an area of 2 billion hectares by 2035 or sooner. 3. Bitcoin, the pioneer of crypto currency, is actually digital cash. All transactions can be cross checked. 4. With around 7.2 billion to 8 billion people on the planet we need to cap it to preserve the Equilibrium to 10 billion human beings to rewild the planet successfully to avert a mass extinction. 5. Any new currency in the love economy must include the world's “unbanked.” 6. There is currently around 15 billion tons of CO2 gas being deposited each year into the atmosphere that is unaccounted for. The current rate of 43 billion tons is likely to increase unless we reduce our annual consumption and increase our carbon sequestration dramatically. 7. 1 hectare is 10 thousand metres squared. That's 10 000 tiles each with a unique number. Each tile represents one plant- coral or tree. 8. Hemp sequesters or captures 15 billion tons of CO2 or 4 times the amount of trees and can be sold as a carbon credit by the planter. 9. To reduce carbon emissions we need 3 things to happen : 1. REDUCE CONSUMPTION OF FOSSIL FUELS AND FOSSIL FUEL PRODUCTS. Eg oil, gas, plastics, pesticides . 2. SEQUESTRATE EXISTING CO2 GASES EACH YEAR BY A MINIMUM OF 15 BILLION TONS. A REVERSAL. 3. REVERSE CUMULATIVE EFFECTS BY SEQUESTRATION OF NEW GASES EACH YEAR BY STOPPING AN INCREASE. HIT FLATLINE. Therefore we calculate each year we need to capture 30 billion tons of C02. 10. The current human population has to be reduced before it hits 10 billion. Thus this should be the cap. To do this we have to manage our resources better. The Earth can probably take around 18 billion but we are working on 10 billion. We calculate that each ton of hemp can sequestrate 0.6 tons of CO2. It may be possible not to harvest hemp but simply to let it grow. Hemp takes 90 to 120 days to mature and two or three crops can be grown a year. The fibre can be sold with the seeds and the carbon credits. But to make any difference we have to unban it globally immediately. And start growing 2 billion hectares on the land. This is vital to save the atmosphere – the first algorithm. Without air… we all die. What we grow in the sea is also important because coral feeds off algae and algae works symbiotically with coral polyps to survive. This ecosystem will sustain reefs, produce more oxygen and increase the fish stock. Air is at the top of the pyramid when it comes to human survival and generates ..the wind..the clouds… the water...the food … and even the energy and codeine and creates a community of interrelated beings living together in harmony and peace. This is what we need, no? Here is therefore our formula…. First coin costs 10 USD. This includes registration and admin and maintenance costs and planting first plant. This is proof of ethics. Second coin is purchased at 5USD and all coins are then traded at 1USD each on the market. Coming into the system creates momentum to airdrop and grow the eco system by distributing coins to the developing world with the GLS after HODL for 2. 5 years the coins can be traded on the open market for whatever the free market decides. Purchasing new coins will remain at a stable 5USD each. By investing in the future we all survive! 1 billion hectares for new CO2 gases each year. 1 billion hectares for existing CO2. There are 51 billion hectares available on the planet including the oceans. We just need 2. 10 000 meters x 1 billion hectares is 10 trillion coins. Times two is 20 trillion coins. THEREFORE WE AIM TO PRODUCE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF AWOOSHA COINS TO BE STABILISED AT 20 TRILLION. It sounds a lot but it isn't. The global economy needs a big enough stock to trade from. 50% goes to a GLOBAL SOLIDARITY FUND (GLS) to be allocated to the developing world to produce and plant hemp fibre and eradicate poverty. For those who cannot afford buying the first coin they can apply to the GLS for sponsorship or receive sponsorship from a richer friend. 5.POPULATION : There are NEARLY 8 billion people on the planet. Davos & Co want to reduce it by half thanks to the Witness Statement of Sir David Attenborough. In French we say.. “ merde” or “ shit” but the French somehow describes that scenario better. We can do better together! We don't need vile pandemics or wars to depopulate the planet- and to rewild it again and heal the wounds. We can do as Dr Robert Aubrey once wrote about in his book The Social Contract ...and trust in Mother Nature to balance things out in a fair way. But… we also must use our brains and consume less finite resources eg oil.. which is derived from trees and plants…Remember there are two or three main worldviews on how to rewild the Planet. One is one of culling and assertive management - the other is one of compassion and trust in the power of Nature to balance things out. I believe there is a 3rd way… that of Guardianship and Gardenership. The most profound way is derived from the Greek word : Ergomazai- or “to cultivate and keep”- it doesn't involve fascism but fairness… it is what Adam Himself did in the Garden of Eden. To leave Nature alone deprives Nature of the caretaker and the care of the gardener. But the kind of gardener which creates does not destroy at will. Therefore a rewilder is also a gardener. It is far better to get nations to plant carbon sequestration plants than to protect CO2 industries that pump out poisonous gases and produce poisonous plastics and pesticides. There is a much better way. Incidentally this last century was the worst for earthquakes. If we cap it all off at 8 works out to 63 metres a person. Any tile system should be covered or sponsored by an economic system that allocates each 1 metre tile to one person and therefore the magic number of how much “WU” or woosha to allocate is between 510 million and 20 trillion. ..or 8 billion… but how? It all depends on how much is planted. Technically we can plant 20 trillion new plants- trees or coral- but this number may change as the market value of the coin goes up or down or something unexpected occurs. But as long as we have a mass programme of replanting carbon sequestration plants ...we can save the planet. Its possible. For this to happen.. 200 heads of state must multilaterally lift all sanctions on the growing of hemp on their land and seas. It can happen if government heads decide it. But they must all be educated on why. The 1961 ban was illegal and false information was used to get it passed in the United Nations. This must change. Each year the population is growing fast… and the 10 billion mark will be hit in less than 5 years if we do nothing. This model speculates it may reach up to 18 billion people by 2050. This is the extinction point. The Earth is struggling with 7 billion. Certainly we cannot imagine a world with 3 times the amount that presently exists. It will be a total nightmare. We can equalise this problem as per the argument of Dr Aubrey. And nobody has to be culled. This isn't Soylent Green… which predicts 2022 as the fulcrum of no return. 6.VERIFYING PROOF OF ETHICS IS POSSIBLE We have ways and means to verify ethical conduct: Analog & Digital- all is one! 1. HONOUR & INTEGRITY- 2. RANDOMLY GENERATED NUMBERS 3.THE GOODWILL OF EVERYDAY PEOPLE. 4. COMPREHENSIVE REGISTRATION OF CLIENTS 5. SATELLITE IMAGING SYSTEMS TO VERIFY PLANTING 6. EXPONENTIAL NEW TEK & IMPROVED BLOCKCHAIN SECURITY 7. NFT KEYS China started an “anal” social credit system not too long ago . A template for a new world order…more accurately..a POPULATION CONTROL MECHANISM - PCM. part of the future of the Global Surveillance State..which is already starting in the UK - eg Global Haven – rediscover your world anew But we can work together to ensure a better future for all without becoming inmates in a prison. New tek is bringing this into being and will be here by 2030. I am talking about verification by starlink WIFI and AI. Right now all we need is a randomly generated number that corresponds to a tile already bought by a sponsor.If each tile costs 10 USD and has a GPS coordinate address and a special number – using the block chain of course… all we need to do is input that tile number and out pops another one… this is then verified by email and a sat check after 3 months if no response from the purchaser.The technology will be ready in 2 years.But more than all of this we rely on GOODWILL to make this work. This goes a step forward than just being honourable. It is people helping each other- freely and without asking.We rely on people to read this manifesto and to get what it is we are trying to achieve in our lifetimes… and if not… let the vision carry on. Let others take it forward. It works because we all make it work. It works through freewill consensus …“I BECOME ONE BECAUSE I AM ONE… the Good of the One by becoming One, in Communion with the One! This is true Oneness… as Jesus Himself would say..We are One in Unity…I in you ,as you ARE in me!” I in them and You in Me— that they may be perfectly united, so that the world may know that You sent Me and have loved them just as You have loved Me. John 17,23. Thus, there is a spiritual dimension to comprehending the infinity of possibility that lives in this reality. .. and beyond! A New Economy must have new values and therefore a New Ethos… But it will require patience, persistence and perseverance..and yes… practical pragmatism. 10 % inspiration- 90 % perspiration. To make this system of currency workable it must be verifiable and tokens generated according to output. In conclusion, This is in essence the verification system of the Awoosha Coin or “WU. And finally… 7. NFT KEYS The NFT has the potential to win the race of the crypto and in fact replace it. But for now digital cash, NFTs and crypto currencies have to work together. AI will do the rest- but not until 2035. In the future we will be using NFT”S keys like your everyday drivers licence or passport today. NON FUNGIBLE MEANS IT IS UNIQUE!!! And it cannot be replaced. It's original and cannot be replaced. Or altered. Therefore - if it's yours… it has the possibility to be a new kind of password or ID or bank account or a ticket… the frontier is NFT is proof of ownership which can include a deed to a real estate. A QUESTION: What if every crypto currency is replaced on the block chain by a new form of identification… a new form of banking through the blockchain.. A new form of digital cash that works with every phone that has a QR reader… because even analog phones will eventually be replaced by smart phones in the next 10 years. What if each person on the planet is an investable currency of worth ? - an original painting of you by you… so instead of carrying a key or a passport or a wallet… you have an NFT that belongs to you - which can be paid into by an employer through investment … or pay for a group NFT eg a festival … one NFT per person. Instantly transferable. Instantly investable. You can solicit, sell or buy into other NFTs by simply using the WU coin. Impossible? Incredible or inevitable? YOU DECIDE! Here are some links on how to do it- do not use ethereum or it will cost you. Solana or polygon is cheaper…BUT IT'S CHANGING everyday… !- the key is getting a footprint in Africa and the developing world which already are far advanced in digital cash e.g. mpesa. OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace How To Create and Sell NFTs for Free ( How to turn any picture into a NFT for FREE | Complete tutorial / best way - YouTube Photo Editor | BeFunky: Free Online Photo Editing and Collage Maker ( be funky photo editor. ) Free NFT Creator - Online Designer ( Here's How to Create NFTs for Free! ( How to Create Your Own NFT | Design Engine ( Fotor's NFT Creator - GoArt, Turns Your Digital Photos into NFT Artworks NFTS are now used instead of paper tickets to get into festivals and even to get into exhibitions. It's more easily understandable and will eventually take over the ticketing markets…but it is the blockchain and its tokens that will interface with the NFT to secure your personal instead of having a'll have an online key… an NFT! It is possible to Rewild the Planet- and it starts with the first algorithm that keeps us all alive… AIR. I thank you Aslan ……………………………………………….. 5e. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ? 6. Last Word & Acknowledgments 7.Links & References The Beginning and not the End.


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