Introduction to the Theory of Everything : "OM THEORY!"
"The PERFECT HUMAN BEING is ALL human beings put TOGETHER, it is a COLLECTIVE , it is all of us TOGETHER that make PERFECTION !"
So to understand everything... you need to first understand YOU!
What you perceive outside and what you perceive inside of you is based on what your mind has recalled. When talking about travel throughout the known and the unknown existences you cannot view yourself as uni polar or even as multi polar but more as Omni polar.
It comes from all points of view.. POV. And all colours of the spectrum.
First picture of a Black HoleWhen you close your eyes and imagine an orange it is " YOU" who is looking at the orange - but it is your mind that has constructed the orange to look at based on previous experiences.
Julian Lennon said : "We are a billion people rolled into one. "
"We are a rock revolving
Around a golden sun
We are a billion children
Rolled into one"
Again.. Socrates said that " There is no perfect human being except ALL human beings together!"
Carl Jung talked about connecting with the collective unconscious, and today the universal mind is regarded as a resource for the " hive mind" which is a library of all known knowledge.
So everything that already IS .. is contained within us who are biological computers in this simulation or dimensional reality.
It is our circle of diversity that produces the answers to our ultimate question...
the theory of EVERYTHING.
You dont need to be Douglas Adams and thumbsuck a number.. language.. sound.. waves.. words. word. logos.. gravitons.
It all is already here in the ether for us to uncover.
- It is by our UNITY and COLLECTIVE SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS that this OM theory explains everything that exists.
Thats the breakthrough.
The portals or doorways into the spiritual worlds or WHITE-holes.. they are inside this space and time.
The travel is within not without. Human consciousness can already move beyond this planetary dimension.
We dont need a space ship to go to Mars.
Thats 3rd Dimensional thinking.
ALL that we need is already here. All that we need to know is already in the here and the now.
Technology is accessible through consciousness acceleration. Technology means simply " knowing how to do something " - and we already know.
Hold that thought.
But what if there actually is a "collective superconscious ? "-
What if there is a more straight forward way to describe both the known and the unknown using the mind of the collective superconscious which is a repository of information that exists in the superconscious mind?
What if YOU perfected is actually all of humanity and all of life in all multiverses and all dimensions- which are not described by strings or membranes but by sound waves and frequencies?
This universal sound link that describes this "everything"we call the "OM THEORY. "
And using what we do know we can not only describe the possibilities of "everything" ... but also use it as a tool to download and to upload and thereby communicate intergalactically- transworldly and interdimensional with everything that we call conscious.
So it goes like this... In the beginning there was a sound emittance from a Source.
This sound was emitted by conscious beings to manifest this universe as we experience it here and now.Because in OM theory time is circular not linear.
It came from a LIGHT or" WHITE" HOLE and it travels to a BLACK HOLE- But not all of these particles fall into these black holes. And not all light comes from the same source. Sometimes it is Opaque.
A creative frequency of a sound language emitting from a single source in the uncreated worlds. Through not worm holes but "whiteholes."
..." it is a resonance of a vast spectrum of vibrations and frequencies which also translate into particles and energy and colours that describe a unified quantum of everything. "
It also has a purpose.., a direction.
Hawkins unfortunately did not believe in God but himself and despite this …he is held in very high esteem.
Because he failed to solve the million dollar question- of the Life...the Universe and Everything.. and how did it begin ?
No.. the answer is not 42. more like 64.(sacred geometry)
And Higgs bosom in Cern isn't going to find it either.. because it all must begin with your POV. If that is screwed or SKEWED you'll miss it all the time no matter how high your IQ is.
Its a kind of blindness. Call it delusion.
But.. , he did say something good in the end.. its a message on its way to a black hole 3500 years from us. Good luck.
By the way particles are not crushed in the way we understand it. Consciousness still is retained. Its not lost .. just separated from the source.
Hawking posed questions about how we will take care of our planet and our people, but this was ultimately a message of hope:
"We are all time travellers journeying together into the future. But let us work together to make that future a place we want to visit.
Be brave, be determined, overcome the odds. It can be done." { Even though his ashes are going to be sucked up by the dustbin of history... A black hole- Its the thought that counts)
If in space you throw a ball with all your force into the vacuums will it stop if it encounters no friction or no other mass particles ? - eg gravitons
Or will it keep on going forever?
Surely there must be friction in space?
No. There isn't.
Space has no air... it is weightless... without gravity ... and only where particles in the creation form a force field or a density... does it change.. for example.. a planet like Earth.
The parameters that exist here in this world in physics... are different. Not all, but some... and the ball you threw would stop.
In space it would simply keep going on endlessly until something in this paradigm stops it. As we inderstand space.
A cluster of dense particles with a magnetic field. Gravitons.
Graviton is a postulated quantum that is thought to be the carrier of the gravitational field. ( its actually "the Om " the creative or Rhema or LIVING word ).
All of this information is like the akashic records and Mayan crystals.. its all there. Like an ayawaska journey ... we are the doorways into these dimensions of learning and processing of downloading... and of mind expansion and acceleration.
So far no-one has been able to describe it yet. Or if they have.. nobody is releasing the information because much is being suppressed by our over lords. And gatekeepers.
So if what moves in the Omniverse are these sounds ... and frequencies and colours... what could be the omniversal sound that has made, or created this world into manifestation? What is mind energy is part of the uncreation ?
Our history shows us that in the Torah- the Bible and the Koran... it was a sound.. God spoke. And by speaking with a purpose... it created or made everything that is... we call that in physics...
In the Bible it is GOD saying... "LET THERE BE LIGHT!"
Coming from the light into the doorway to the darkness... and opening that portal... that light hole.
When that happened we do not know and can only guess.
But light or whiteholes do exist between this life ( I know because I've experienced them )-and the next ;and sometimes we becomè aware of them- through quirks of fate or near death experiences.
They are doorways.
So it immediately tells you about the existence of another world... another dimension that does not have the same parameters as this one. But exist it does.
We can also go into the New Testament when one of the apostles -
Paul says... " I was caught up not knowing where I was... perhaps in the 3rd heaven or the fourth... "- he speaks about the Uncreation... he went through that light hole into the uncreating one and tells us about it.
(In 2 Corinthians 12-13 Paul the Apostle writes, "I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows.)
Paul was on the earth plane in the physical space he occupied but on a spiritual - the "uncreation" plane of higher vibration.
Also in the bible it talks about Eden being not destroyed -but lost to a Fallen Man of lower frequency.
So like Shambala and other mythical and mystical like Eden is here on planet Earth- but not in this dimension..this reality. Now.
Indeed , in the Lords prayer it says : Our Father , who art in heaven ( the uncreation ), hallowed be Thy Name.. Thy Kingdom come.. on Earth .. as it ( already ) is in Heaven. This yalks about the end of time where both realities unify. In New Age speak.. that is when 3D and 5D come together.
Ezekiel talks about strange creatures... and all across many holy scriptures it talks about this other world.
Aliens in vehicles that come to.our planet with a mission.
But what if the omniverse is in fact... a MULTIWORLD OF DIVERSITY... or multiworlds... then M THEORY that is supposed to join together in super symetry all the theories of string... would be only a partial glimpse.
Therefore, if we want a reliable description of the theory of everything we must look into the collective superconscious and filter it.
What explanation fits in every culture every creation story and every people group?
It is sound. Sound is the bridge.
"I am the sound."
In the 33rd level of freemasonry the secret word given by King Solomon to the mason building the temple was.. "AUM "-or OM. and where did he get it from ? -was it the pyramids which even today remain a mystery on how it was built and how the stone was carved so accurately.
Because sound... and light... are the same thing... and if these god particles were spoken to assemble this reality as we know it... we need to break it down to the root.
We know also that the walls of Jericho came down with sound.
" SHABAK " - a sudden sound that DIS-assembles particles much as they were assembled before by "creative "words or LOGOS.. - WORD. The Greek mystics have meditated just on this on Mount Athos for 1500 years.Through it they have mastered much of what we consider impossible.
Words have hoth constructive power as well as DESTRUCTIVE POWER.. And by words I mean SOUNDS. sounds can create things.. and they can destroy them.
" abracadabra "- means" I create the Word.."
in thr begining God created .. the WORD - logos. .. and the WORD became flesh and blood and LIVED amongst us.. nothing that ever was or shall be did not come into being without the WORD.
This is LOGOS. Or "quantum graviton.".. relating to Om Theory using the collective superconscious which is the ALPHA state of this Universal Hive Mind or UI - Universal / Omniversal Intelligence( OI) . ( From 0- 7) . There exists beta, delta, gamma and thera states in human consciousness. Each is a wave length. Alpha represents the highest state. This is shere Jung and orhers missed the boat.
Jung only described one particular branch of wave length .. DELTA.- but there was THETA .. and GAMMA .. and BETA. And the strongest of all.. ALPHA.
The same methods used to build the pyramids . or to bring down the walls of Jerico. or bring this Earth into being... it all correlates.. and this mystic knowledge was passed to Moses.
And he passed it on to Aaron and Joshua. Maybe even Elijah and to Jesus. Oral/ practical Kabbalistic as well as Egyptology was passed on from Master to student over the ages. The Kemet Mystery schools.
The arc of the covenant had supernatural power contained within its casket.. but the new covenant is contained.. within US.
AMEN- AUM. SALAAM... and SHALOM- all close to the essential root word... which is the universal sound ... OM. or "AUM"- EN ... Translates to.. so BE it !
And not only do monotheistic cultures use it but also polytheistic communities...
Om said or spoken with purpose. With direction.. was the chronogenesis ( the beginning of time as particles in stasis)-of the place we now exist in so perfectly.
" I said you are gods !"
David in Psalms 82.. and Jesus paraphrased.. and this was witnessed - interdimensional time travel (ITT)-by seeing the risen Christ in two or more places at the same time... the road to Emmaus was either a hallucination , or the instance of a transfigured messiah assembled in two places at two times yet each the same person.
How is it Jesus appreared to so many people at the same time ???
Now that is Om theory... "greater things you shall do in my Name..." its all there in the books...
- practical physics. Tibetans believe that they can levitate and even walk through walls .. a space exists between all particles.. it all depends on vibration.
all of this is frequency and vibration ..
the higher the vibrating of your particles .. the easier it is to defy physics. As we know it.
If particles can be assembled in any given set of coordinates with the same universal OR Omniversal Consciousness... then it proves that everything is not just waves or circles or strings or membranes but something more... perhaps ... GRAVITON...OR LOGOS...
- particles assembled in a particular place and in a particular time with consciousness... assembled by creative power ... living creative power... sound.
We already have a few good guide books .. and oral teachings.. but beyond this we also have the culmination of all our ancestors living inside of us . and all of our previous existences.. we are the sum total.. all we need to do is to REMEMBER !!! and UNLEARN the programming. To do this we need to go anticlockwise.
And if "US"- not " I " ... the collective created the assemblage of particles known as "Everything" ...then it came into being through the spoken word and universal sound.
" Let US create MAN in our image!" - who and where is US? - It is in another world.. another dimension.
So a glorified , eternal transfigured being is One that is multidimensional and omnipresent at all times and in all dimensions. A Shining One.
And that is limitless.
We know of 27 and some have experienced only 21. ( It can be perceived )
But to describe this in scientific terms is a language still hidden.
Only once we build human telescopes and transceivers will we have any window on this mystery of mysteries.
And even then its not 100% certain we will uncover it. But like blowing billions on a stupid machine.. Surely... this Intergalactic experience is worth trying?
It is not up to one or two physicists.
Or super powered genii- it is when a small group of at least 10 individuals get together and become super empowered by amplification of their resonance.
Tribes of first nations did it through halucinogenics. Medicinal plants. Ayawaska or Ibogo or psilocybin.
Because we ARE the sound. MAHAM.
We have all the secrets within us to create and co create... anything. And Everything. Because the place to begin is all within.
It is just our WILL to make it so that lifts us beyond this reality of limbo. so be it. and it is. a-men.
Scientists have tried to describe the worlds we live in and measure it with clever numbers.
In truth we are the bridge to understanding this theory of everything.
We are the conduit to the multiworlds of the omniverse.
Now go prove it yourself.
" realise the real lies through REAL eyes ! "
a rough diagram of potential human telescope / transceiver.
We could create such a thing as early as next year. In Egypt or Namibia or Chile.
the basic description of the omniverse as I perceived it on Tarifa beach.
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