The Nature of Light

"Every single day has a special light. Every part of each day has a special light. 

There is no light at the end of the tunnel until the day we leave this Earth plane. On this day we enter the door of light into the next world...and meet our maker..  
There is sunrise...and there is the AURORA before sunrise.. two different lights. .. there is mid morning..  and noon and then theres sunset and the twilight...and then theres only star light and moonlight and darkness. 
(a painting from my cave experience in 2010. )

"each light is unique in its nature.This is why we have in a prism all the colours of the rainbow!"

Our perception is all about opening our perceptions for the light that already exists all around us. 
There is a distinct delivery of "new light" , however small...with the rising sun...just for you to catch !
We do not have to hope we get to the end of the tunnel to experience the very special light right in front of us .. right now!

In this realisation lies our best HOPE.  

"When we perceive... we receive
and when we receive...we accept. (or not). But the act of acceptance is the act of illumination... it all begins with perception...
- And this is the light that gives us EN- lightenment! 

Allways keep your eyes , HEART and your mind OPEN!  

Then you begin to see.

How do I know this ? How do I know what I say is correct ? Books? The word of someone else ? My imagination ? My logic?
No. I know what the nature of light is because I have experienced it. I have perceived it. And that is my only guide. 
The rest is only what supports that belief or not. 
Now we see in part.   later we shall see in full. As we go from glory to glory!

On the night of April 2nd , 1999 I was fasting and reading a book by Watchman Nee  called " The Normal Christian Life " . This guy spent over 20 years in a Chinese prison cell.
 It just so happened that I attended a talk by a disciple of his... " Brother Li " who himself was just released from a CCP jail cell for practising his faith and smuggling bibles into China . He had  just arrived from Hong Kong directly to this small city of Mossel Bay-on the East coast of Southern Africa . It was his first engagement. I recall it well. 

It was 3 days after the full moon of March 31st but when the moon rose over the horizon later that evening it still illuminated the entire ocean beneath my clifftop viewpoint in Mossel Bay, South Africa. 

Mossel Bay is famous as being the countrys first post office ...
- dating back to 1500. BUT.. this office was a BIG  tree and the letters were left in a boot.

 Sometimes for years until it was collected. A letter in those days was like a miracle and with each message and each letter of light.. it brought hope in an otherwise dark and unknown continent.

 Today 600 years later this milkwood tree still stands. 

It was here that I discovered the meaning of truth and the nature of light. 

It was here I met with the Source of Light and the Living God!

What happened  at that meeting on Easter Friday was not important. 

I have been to many such meetings. But what happened AFTER was.

- It was so important that I today have to check that it really did happen.


I had been fasting for 3 days as was common for me in those days at this time. After the meeting I went towards the cliffs and found a place overlooking the wide ocean to pray.

 The fullish moon was already up and its shining light reflected upon the oceans night. I had been specifically asking to be baptised in the Holy Spirit for some previous months.
 When people placed their hands upon me.. I felt nothing. So i decided that I would think of nothing else .. and do nothing else... and learn nothong else but that which I truly wanted to experience. 

But I had about given up. I honestly thought that it was for others.. but not for me!
And so it had led me to this cliff.. admiring the beautiful night...  and as I did so in this grand cathedral of nature.. I looked out whilst I was praying.. and i suddenly realised as I was praising God in a song....

-  that all words were meaningless. that they were just mental constructs of the human mind... limiting. 
 - that all really was like a soup of words...  because they all melted into .. one word. one BIG word.. and as I was singing and this revelation came I also realised that the human body was like a glass.. and all it required was being filled up by the light or knowledge of God himself... 

-like water. Just like Bruce Lee said.

  " Be like water " only this time.. it was "- be like an EMPTY VESSEL.

 And as I did so looking out to that silvery reflection of the full moon on the seawater travelling on a silky road on oceans water right towards me.. I had this incredible desire to praise God with every fibre of my being! 

And thats what I did.. because i was alone.  and nobody to gear me but the seagulls and the dassies...and God. 

Then it happened

I started speaking another language that made no sense. Words that my mind couldnt understand.

 All Words became ONE. And melted into One. ONE WORD

And the more I praised the Almighty... the more my spirit continued to sing in this unknown language.  And then I felt this liquid love pouring into my soul like hot air into an empty balloon. 

And the more I worshipped God .. the more of this Agape or divine LOVE filled my inner being.

 My spirit which I didnt know existed before came alive.. and was suddenly unlocked. 

The love kept pouring into my soul and filling me water to a cup.. just like Watchman Nee had described. It was so much live that I thought I was going to explode in an eruption of heavenly bliss. 

And then I said... " I cant take anymore- STOP!! !" this infilling must have taken around 30 minutes in Earth time. 

Then a reply came to me .. etched in my memory. It was a voice which could only be from God. 

It wasnt mine. And it said :

 " GO TAKE THE GOSPEL( the good news ) TO THE WORLD ! " 

This love bomb in my heart felt like a divine dam of light overflowing within me. 

This event was to profoundly affect the course of my life and lead me to both great revelations .. as well as great sufferings. 
(Pedro d ' Ataide - portuguese explorer. )

In every faith light is regarded mostly as knowledge. Light is also regarded as the antithesis of darkness or the abscence of light. 
Books of Light tell of light and its nature. Its revelations. People speak living words or Rhema words of light to bring LIFE to others who are living in the darknesss. 

There is a clear difference between light and darkness. Truth and delusion...night and day. 
( Bartholomew Dias discovered South Africa in 1488 and docked to find fresh water in Mossel Bay where I received my epiphany in 1999. ).

You have heard it say.. " its the darkest before dawn . " ...

but what if the dawn is already in your heart..?- then there is no night ...and no waiting for the dawn to rise on it. 

"The only way out - is IN !-
Thats the place to BEGIN !"

If you know that you know that you know ...

that you have connected with the source of all life..GOD. ..and the author of the words at the dawn of time.. who said.. " let there be light!"- then you will know you are guided and protected wherever you go. 

If it was easy to seek...perceive...process and apply the light to the world.. we would not be here ... why ? because despite doubt.. despite persecutions.. you know that you are here for a reason. 

All those seekers and those finders .. no matter their names.. they all had to struggle with the forces of "mara".. evil...

-(who wish to enslave humankind in separation .. disempowerment and disillusionment - )

its up to us not to allow us to be enslaved. Not to become apathetic. Dispassionate.


The spirit within us is a special gift. One day it will leave the body and make the return journey to.its source. If we spend more time to live today. 

We wont have to wait for the dawn.. or the end of the tunnel. 

"To each his own their portion of the light to own. "

why else go into a cave for 14 years or pay a Thai monk 5000 USD to spend two weeks in total darkness?- who else but seekers..?

Blindness is only for the truth to see. 

Realise the real lies with real eyes. 

As Jesus was in a cave fasting for 40 days or in the depths of hell...  and Buddha under the Bunyan tree for the same amount...

As prophet Mohammed went to the cave to receive his revelation of the Koran from Gabriel.. as shimeon  did so for 11 years or more.   to dictate the ZOHAR -
 "LIGHT "...
 (Cave in Peki’in, where Rav Shimon Bar Yochai revealed the wisdom of the Zohar)

- as Elijah hid we too need to go into our own caves and explore the nature of light. 
I once met Sheikh Nazim in Cyprus. He spent 12 years in a cave..  
Even Christian monks like St Anthony - the father of the monks spent 30 years in a cave in Egypt.
 As Sheikh Nasim of the Sufis .. 12 years.   

-they all got their stripes seeking the light in the darkness of a cave. 
However, I am not saying we must brick ourselves up for 3 years and 3 days like Tibetans..
- but what is important to understand is patience. 

With patience we will WIN the war. 

Patience and perseverance! 

AND GOD SAID.. "LET THERE BE LIGHT !".. and then there was light.. 
Jesus as Light of the workd...LOGOS. - the light of LIFE!. 



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