I fell in love with a beautiful woman


What is TRUE love ?- to ULIANA Bashkina / and to all the lovers of TRUE love!  - stay single lol 

Is it in ondional.sex or unconditional love? Is it knowing you have fallen over a cliff into an ocean you cannot get out from .. and drowning.. or is it finding a new land to.place your feet on after searching your whole life. 

The truth is .. no one knows. We simply fall in love sometimes once.. sometimes twice. Sometimes multiple times. 

But the pain of separating from that love .. fro tumbling down that mountaintop is sometimes a great pain indeed. 

Some people kill themselves because the pain is too great. 

Some people die of heart failure because their hearts cannot beat in the same way anymore. And their hearts actually feel physical.pain. 

Others become shells.. living yet dead. 

I have seen grown men .. string men.. hang themselves out of the loss of their live.. not their freedom. 

Or have strokes. 

Or get obese. Fat. 

Or cut their wrists each day to feel physical pain.  

Or get angry and becoe alcoholic. Or sex addicts. 

.Falling out of live is a form.of feel.depression. some people .. myself included take medication for it. Or have done. 

"There is no magic remedy for a broken heart " Chief Arvol Looking Horse .

This is what he once told me. 

So what is the good news ?

1. It will pass one day. Just be patient. 

2. You can love again. In a different way. But it is also true. Honest. Worthy. 

3. Each person you love only enlarges your heart and never shrinks it. 

4. Each person had a potential to love again in an even deeper way. 

But it's not all about jumping on a bike and ride away as my mother would encourage me once. 

The pain you feel enlarges your heart. It brings you to a pint of higher consciousness. If letting go once again. Not being attached to a physical being. 

True live is like a beautiful mountain.  You see it. You want to climb it.. not just because it's there.  But you believe in it's beauty. 

So you climb again. You love again. You do house keeling. You clean out the rubbish in your heart and the toxic feelings . And instead .  You honor what happened. You honor that true live. That beauty. That art.  That poetry. 

Because that is what it was. 

And your true love that is going will in time be replaced by another muse. As hard as that sounds. 

You both travelled thousands of lifetimes to find each other. And you did. 

But in this great omniverse... One soul is still waiting to find you again. 

So live in HOPE.. and love in TRUTH. 

and this you can only do by being FREE

Here is my record then of Lana Bashkina. - La Vega - wherever she is... a girl I once loved more than life itself . 

I wish her well.on her journeys. 

We will.mert again !



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