New Earth 3: the road less trVelled
New Earth Gazette 3
The Road less travelled
It's a hard pill to swallow.. but if we don't believe there is a final day.. what is there to think of ? Let's see it from this angle
...Imagine if you will a little Hitler is born in Germany and he's doing all the right things and being a good little boy .. and he grows up in a different way actually loving the Jews instead of hating them.
Well he doesn't have a chip on his shoulder and he father doesn't beat him. And he becomes a successful artist... And doesn't join the Nazi party.
Well... In the end there's no second world war.. no Israel because there's no concentration camps.. and the state of Israel is never born.. they get some land in Zambia given to them and everyone's happy. The temple gets built on an island in Kariba dam instead.
So one might say .. how is that possible then ? No war. No bad Adolf. And no Israel ?
Nobody gets massacred ....
We have a good little hitler and no world war two. In fact it's a totally different outcome.
Hitler goes to heaven.
Or does he ???
The mind boggles at the permutations and the computations of one choice over another. That's where I say .. maybe how God sees it is different to the way we see it?
Food for thought.
Here is something I wrote yesterday.. It's about conscience... Taking the road less traveled..
How do the good get punished ..and the wicked not ?
"There is no right or wrong. Good or bad. Life and it's consequences are highly random.
It makes no sense. But if you manage to do something good despite all opposition and reasoning to do bad.
You've remained human. And that's grace. Undeserved favour. Nobody sees the big picture. So don't bank accounts. Think in choices . Choosing to say no when the whole world says yes. Doesn't mean you are wrong. Just means nothing makes sense."
WE all make mistakes in life. We all get it wrong. Right now a lot of people are getting it wrong when they think they are getting it right. I know because I think I'm one of them. You try to save somebody .. try to do good and do the best for that person.... But maybe they are just little Hitler's? Maybe it's just a waste of time?
Maybe they are meant to gass the Jews so that they go to the land of Israel... And proclaim a state to fulfil certain biblical prophecies? Maybe what is happening in Ukraine now is the end of the world as we know it ... An ideological war that is meant to cull half the population so that the temple can be built and Jesus can return and kill all the bad guys. Maybe how we see things is not about karma or getting it right all the time.. but actually doing what your conscience which is within you telling you to do...
Bad people go to bed at night and sleep the same as good people. But if their conscience is awoken.. it doesn't matter if they are good or bad. They still wake up. And if the will of God is supposed to happen on Earth.. as it is in heaven.. perhaps a NEW EARTH is all about taking the road less travelled.
We have oracles ... And we have what each man and woman is out here to do. All we can do is what we are meant to. Without fear. Without favor.
It's an imperfect world. It makes no sense. Like a great man once said. The only thing I know . Is that I know.. NOTHING.
It is only the awe of the Almighty one that is the beginning of wisdom... For wisdom is gained not through knowledge alone.. but through experience. The final chapter.. the final line and the final word doesn't belong to us personally.. but to God alone. And this is why .... GOD IS GREAT!
and to progress this species we call humankind.. we will have to take the road less travelled and stop judging people so harshly.. and instead judge our own hearts and the truth that is in them.
Be well!ππ½π«Ά
It's a N.E.W. day. π
Be ONE !
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