
In the New Earth there will be no hunger... No poverty and no want. Why? Because we will ALL have enough. Not from a communistic or socialistic perspective .. because wealth will be REDEFINED. 

What we see today as precious will not be regarded as precious. You can't eat gold or diamonds or oil. 

We can see how this planet is strung out on greed. Exploitation. Scarcity. When in fact there is no need for this. None whatsoever. 

If we live in abundance. In sharing. In caring for others. Ubuntu. We are rich. 

In Africa it is so rich.. yet it is the poorest most underdeveloped continent on the planet. It must change. But how ? How do we change from a life filled with the survival of the fittest ? 

I have spent the last 3 months travelling through Africa from the south to the north. Fourty years first big trip was in1983 before the internet. Today there are a few changes. But war has increased. The wealth gap has increased. Poverty is still here. It seems that this is clear ever the more when sudden wealth comes... 

No more I learned- than in the discovery of a new gemstone.. tanzanite in 1964..  

Learning about the one tanzanite mine in the world I did  also look over the sinister system that creates a weird  scarcity...

 Where a mineral is worth more than living being. 

Where the madness of sudden wealth on an immature mind wields more destruction than growth. 

Where houses .. cars of incredible value are bought and then sold for a tuppence because they run out of fuel or ...break...

A shiny it can cause is to.lose our minds.   

 Like in Sudan with the discovery of oil... It's more of a curse than a blessing. Sudden wealth in the hands of stupid people. 

Perhaps it is there to show to us.. how immature we are when it comes to handling money. Not all are ready. This in Africa is one of the root causes of this continent being blessed as well as cursed. Blessed with amazing possibility... Yet cursed with the ignorance of greed. 

 Sometimes it does more bad than good. We need instead more consciousness. This can occur with accompanying acceleration.

In this great country that vibration is sadly low and lacking spinning in a morass of sleep and survivalist thinking...

If we are to survive into the future we will have to purge the old earth of it's old ways of thinking. 

Whether it is in Ukraine or in Sudan.. humanity must learn what is valuable and what is not. 

And this comes through the 8 algorithms of life. 

The air we breathe is the first one. 

If then we start fighting over access to sudden wealth.. oil prices..  going up or down.. and the sale of firecrackers that cost billions..  

Where human life is just an expenditure...worth less than the glory of sudden wealth..  what really is it that anyone can teach us? 

My journey 40 years later had proved to me that in Africa at least.. not much has changed.. and in fact.. with continuing oil wars and terrorism for oil and gas.. 

It's actually got worst. I'm my country.. south Africa .. money is more important than life itself. Was apartheid bad? Yes. It was terrible . But in this new south Africa.. greed and exploitation.. is even worse. If that were possible. 

I live in the most dangerous city in the world. The place of gold it is called. Egoli. Johannesburg. 

Yet 40 years ago. It was safe to walk on the streets. Now it's not. 

It is time for this baby to be born if humanity is to survive. 

It is time to create the wealth of the new earth wellness as it is in heaven. 

Joy. Happiness. Love. Light. Hope. Community. Connection. 

It is time for nationalism and stupid wars to end. Let us practice war no more. War is OVER in the New Earth ! 

This is our common WEALTH. 



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