NEW EARTH GAZETTE 7 the Great Disconnect


New Earth Gazette 7 


We see the disconnection between humanity and empathy.. compassion and justice when war is preferred to peace.. when killing to reconciliation and genocide to save the planet than valuing human life.

 This is totally a consistent New Age thought. But for the thousands of young hippies out there practising peace, love and vegetarianism... They just don't see it in their puny ego centric world. Not at all.

 Even in their upside down hand stands. They are blinded by the light of their so called "Gaian" enlightenment.

 It's TOTALLY delusional. 

This is the current New Age way of thinking... 


But it's not new. It is decades old if not centuries. Hitler was a new ager . But since time began. It is in fact a mirror of an old battle playing itself out through eons in the free will of human beings. Everything is happening within. And the one with the most ...followers...wins. This is the great deception...and the great disconnect. Because in the end.. power is only in this reality. And only for a moment. 

The devil has sought to create a" new age of enlightenment". And mirror of the truth .. a fake paradigm. A kingdom of light .. but this is the " BIG LIE!"

It looks good. It feels good. It sounds good  But it's not good. In fact it's rotten to the core. 

It like eating an apple that tastes like cardboard. No taste. No salt. No meat. 

It's not founded on truth. But a Reflection of it. It is in fact all smoke and mirrors but no substance. 

No coherence. There are no stories that connect to.each other to bring enlightenment .. because there is no confrontation of the essence of reality. 

And there is no consistence beyond its goal of global soul domination -and no real commitment to sacrificing the self for the whole...unless it's too pointlessly burn for a false ideology.

 Indeed.. what is true love ??? What is the light of LIFE? It certainly doesn't come with the latest sugar coated yogic doctrine or vegan breakfast. 

" Greater love has no man than  this that he lay down his life for his brother / sister etc. " This is true love. 

NOT JUST TO THINK.. about the other but to do FOR the other. Love is a doing word. Not in obligation .. but in giving of the self without even asking is in understanding of the Oneness of all. 

The war machine is the culling machine.

The ear machine is the soylent green !

Don't drink.the koolaid. 

 It's unfortunately , a philosophy that is fully defended by the likes of Sir David Attenborough- Professor Vox - Carl Sagan- Al Gore  and friends.. . As necessary to bringing about the New Earth. In fact this is where we are right now folks. 

 For them in their deepest recesses of their endarkened minds...humans are worse than animals. Worse than parasites. 

The decimators of the natural world.. and they must be culled from  Planet Earth to save it's entire biome. 

War is in fact ...good. 

It's feeds the soil. It's feeds pachamama. According to these self appointed guardians....we must die to save the planet.

We must all be composted to feed the plant cycle. And the sooner the better.  


 We are the polluters. We are the cockroaches. We are the oxygen stealers. We are the upsetters of the equilibrium...we are the root causes of the climate crisis.

We are the criminals that they project this karma on to. 

We. And we beat joint collective responsibility for shitting on the planet . We call earth 

 There is no understanding or reasoning of  of nationalism but only of globalism. 

In fact it's a" do what feels good "culture. There is no sacrifice . No commitment except to the next yoga session. Or self love tantric massage. Where is the love in in this ?  Where is the Equilibrium?

It's ok to purge the planet -and let half of humanity die in pointless wars according to Gaia ... Why ? 

Because human beings are plain stupid they are parasites. A plague on life itself in planet earth. That is the new religion. 

So get rid of them. Look bright eyes.. and just believe.. I am.the doorway to.the light that leads you into.the eterna night. let me like to you until the moon sets and there is nothing left. 

Because then we will have abundance. Look into the realpolitik of the new age ideology and you will see it's not human friendly at all. In fact the sooner we have WORLD War 3 the better. For everyone. 

Because for the New Earth to come.. we must make room for the elected and selected. 

And the problem we have here is that many new agers don't even see this agenda but in fact defend it . They dont see it's evil but in fact see it's good. By violently reducing the population .. it's seen as a good thing . 

How fxxxked that ???

The war in Ukraine. ? Thousands dying daily. ..  no problem!- a New Age Ukrainian will say..  it's ok ...." Let them die if they want to die!-They don't want to even think about their suffering or the ones who are running into the meat grinder of another pointless death  ...

Maybe that's what needs to happen for change to come. Because we are all dumb fucks who love killing each other. It's not my problem they say. It's sad. But that's what they want To do... So let them. 

So for peace... You need WAR ...  For the New Earth.. you need the old earth .. destroyed. For this to take place..  blood must flow like rivers and be soaked the dry soils of the lands they bleed onto  .. and then we can let it all grow up. Once again. Let them feed the plants. The mycelium and the next generation with their sugars and proteins. 

There is no empathy. 

...what is conveniently forgotten is that to do this you need war. You need killing machines. You need buckets of blood. Young blood sacrificed on the altar of an ideology. 

More must suffer. More must die in the meat factory of another pointless war. 

So to purge the old from the Earth to let the light . 

The New Light to come.  

The old earth must be violently DESTROYED with every man and woman and child in it. Wiped clean. 

Everyone who disagrees..  must go or be cancelled by the ones who control the media machines. The real.haters of the truth. They will silence you in their narrative by shadow banning you in their computer algorithms. 

Anyone who makes a stand. 

 That believes in standing up for freedom.

They must be Cancelled.  

These New Age COWARDS -because that is what they are believe instead in worshipping at the altar of MOTHER NATURE- GAIA.  the goddess. ... and say.."  it's got nothing to do with me.. !" 

Yellow Cowards they are. 

I'm not responsible for this fighting and violence. It's just the way of getting the Earth ready for the 5D reality but getting rid of all the negative people on the planet . I don't need to do nothing. 

And this is where they go delusional in their occultic practices.. forgetting the one who saved and who sustained them in their complete desolation and separation from the source of love. 

Don't worry. 

I'm under grace. 

I'll go to Nepal and meditate -I'll go into.the forest and do yoga with the butterflies.

I'll find my self in Instagram. And the latest new age guru teaching permaculture.. which actually worships the created not the creator. The sustainer. 

 I'll swim naked in the hot springs or get a nice massage .. or swim with the dolphins. Forget this nastiness. I don't want to look at the ugly. 

It's got nothing to do with me. I found my way. I'm a sovereign being. 

" I choose to live in love " and therefore.. I choose to take NO responsibility. 

 I'll experience the beauty of life in the beauty of the nature .  It's my life not theirs. I don't watch TV. I'm the director of my own movie. 

The New Earth reality I will live it now and be damned any commitments to family... to country.   To God.  And to love.  Until I find the emptiness of what promises.. but delivers nothing.. and by then.. it's too late. 

To hell.with it. It's all a waste of my energy. 

I love my life. I love my self. I can't listen to anything that opposed my beliefs because .. it's toxic. 

I'm a starbeing. I don't even come from earth. I'm not even a nationality. I'm not responsible for any of this .  


This is the essence the core ideals... : my friends of a TOTAL New Age asshole.  

They just don't care or give a shit. TO HELL with them. This is my life. 

Why ? Because I/we/ they are already in the 5 D reality of the new earth . Complete with pronouns and a sense of entitlement to what they have never worked nor cared about. 

Stop. Why does all of this seem correct?? .. but sounds so fascist ? 

It is so because that is what it is. It is a fascist ideology. 

Sure.. we can disagree with war. With killing. And the honest truth is we are being lied to by the powers that be. The media. Our politicians. Yes. 

But that doesn't mean we ignore the suffering if this planet.. or it's struggles. Forget our job. As peacemakers... NO. 

We are flowers opening. Unfolding. Evolving. Not by force.. but by awakenings and by conscience.. and by desire .. and by will. . 

We cannot pretend that for this New Earth to come we must do nothing. This is a total.lie to neuter you. To stop You to FEEL. 


It will require a great effort.

 From all of us. Together. We must take responsibility for this new reality.

 The composting of the old with the new virus is the collective realisation of the whole. 

It needs attention and openings of divine movement inside our very beings   Not ignorance. Not delusion. 

 To hell with lazy new agers. The New Earthers are hard workers. We are warriors of the Rainbow. And we are the ones we have been waiting...for.. so what in the hell are we waiting for ? 

I thank you 

Aslan La Vega 

Earth Ambassador 🙏🏼


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