Greetings citizens of Earth , starseeds of all worlds and visitors from every dimension and reality. 

Welcome ' OM ! πŸ’“

 Stardate 19.08.23... It's 2023.Nearly 2024. 

According to a consensus made in the desert of the Sinai we are supposed to gather in Italy this year. But it has not happened. Despite all our intentions. 

 It doesn't look like there is a WILL to make this gathering happen in Italy this year. Or perhaps not as we EXPECT it to happen. 

 However, we still have a vision to create an INTERGALACTIC VILLAGE! - in Italy which have over 11000 villages empty. 

So I want to invite ANYONE to join me/us and my/our team in Sardinia at the Woodstock/ Hippy  festival. ( Contact Giovanni) 

We do not have too much time now -  but if we act NOW we can still REVERSE the direction of the medicine wheel to heal our hurting world.. and SAVE OUR PLANET ! 

What you are currently feeling right now is the travail of the birth of a NEW EARTH! 🌎... it is pregnancy and the anger of the biocomputer some call the Earth or Gaia. 

We see the signs everywhere and every single day. It is unavoidable. 

It is the fulfilment of the rainbow 🌈 prophecy of the first Nations... 

"When the Earth is sick and dying , there will come a new tribe of all races , colours and creeds who by their words and their deeds will bring HEALING to the world-WHO will make the Earth green and clean again ..and they will be called the "WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW !"🌈

We are the ones we have been waiting for.. so what in the hell are you waiting for !??

It's time to accelerate our consciousness towards the light. 

All the codes are written on every skin in mathematical formulae by the angels. It is our destiny. 

One that only we together can decide and understand. Our waking dream is our reality. If a better world has to be built for our children and our children's children ...

- where we can practise our spirituality on peace... In love and in light. 

If it is to be built whilst the world is in birth pangs... War...climate must be built with LOVE. And now. 

This is our higher self that calls all of you to it's divine destiny. 

You are all the Elohi- angelic ones. Be awakened to your TRUE essence. Not to the delusion. πŸ’“ NOT TO THE FAKE. 

and Not to the separation!! This is spiritual.death. nihilism. 

By Unity consciousness. By ONENESS we will see the dawn of a New Day for ALL humanity. 

It awaits for all of you who are called at this time as pioneers. 

It is here if you want it. But only if the God within you opens its eyes. Only if you see it and catch the fire πŸ”₯!

AWAKEN sleepers ...your time has come ! See you in Sardinia. September 6. We meet at the pyramids in the north. 

Full moon. All welcome. Everyone. 


ITALY 2023-24 πŸ’“πŸ™ŒπŸ«Ά

This September. Next month. We will have a VISION circle to discuss the possibilities of WHERE and HOW  we can start to build this STARGATE village.

 So far I have a 200 000 euro budget to start this process.

 Italy gives money away via the EU to repopulate empty villages.πŸ’“ up to 30000 Euro. 

Do not be tied to the 3rd dimension but accelerate to the 5 th dimension. It is open. The portal for ascension is open now. πŸ™πŸΌ

 Our vision is to create a SACRED SPACE to make this village we call( until we find a better name )

" ECLECTICA"  happen.


 Our divine mission is to collect all the starseeds from across all galaxies that are presently awakening on Earth right now...and are here LOST on our planet in the illusions and delusions  of Babylon ... 

To gather them together to raise the galactic  consciousness to HYPER INTELLIGENCE level...πŸ’“

-and to extend the spectrum of the rainbow to include every vibration and every frequency in every level and dimension.. to vibrate on the highest love vibration possible. This is our vision  


 We welcome YOU to help us to build this STARGATE to impart NEW -yet suppressed technologies to save ALL  life and this planet from mutually assured destruction( M.A.D.) or a mass extinction ...AND the  parking of lifesaving energy patents in the last century as well as the climate crisis , pollution and environmental disasters- wars , needless conflicts and greed that are happening all over the world right now. 

We have the tools. We have the technology. It is time for it to be released. Right now. 

Oppression and suppression of the masses must END if we are all to survive the coming challenges ahead! Every day every minute Counts. 

It is time to REDEFINE VALUE. 

If we want our children to inherit the blessings we enjoy. πŸ™Œ.. we must come together right now. No time to waste. 

So we INVITE you to SARDINIA to help scout this location for this year's gathering of light workers, rainbow warriors and starseeds...all who are called... Come ! 

 Our mission is To OPEN our hearts and minds to transcend this hopeless reality and return to the garden ! 

The magical golden garden... PARADISE !


I thank you! 

Zenadu & all my relations Mitaque owasin 


" May all the Beings in all the worlds be happy !" πŸ˜‡ So be it. 🫢


+39 320 619 9469- Giovanni / Robin email


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