
Showing posts from June, 2023

New Earth 8- hemp evangelism

 New Earth Gazette -  8 Hemp Evangelists United! Our Africa Enterprise...2023- To make poverty history.  We have covered in 3 months...South Africa -. Zambia- Zimbabwe- Malawi- Tanzania- Kenya- Saudi - Egypt...  7  African countries... 13000 km ...35 planters...300000 hectares and only ONE kilo of hemp seeds . One handful each. Green gold.  We have pledges for 300 000 km to be planted ..  this in itself will generate the first millions of USD. In seeds.. in feedstock on tier one.. and there are five tiers of income. Now it's all.sbout scaling up the seeds. Spreading in a spiral.of seed evangelism across Africa first then the whole world.  We can save the planet ! Together.   Personally , I am exhausted by this arduous journey. I have whiplash, a swollen knee... Muscular pains... Etc. I had fever for three days and terrible diarrhea. But bit by bit I am.recoveeing because I know it's for humankind. To avert this climate crisis .. and to d...

NEW EARTH GAZETTE 7 the Great Disconnect

  New Earth Gazette 7  The GREAT DISCONNECT  We see the disconnection between humanity and empathy.. compassion and justice when war is preferred to peace.. when killing to reconciliation and genocide to save the planet than valuing human life.  This is totally a consistent New Age thought. But for the thousands of young hippies out there practising peace, love and vegetarianism... They just don't see it in their puny ego centric world. Not at all.  Even in their upside down hand stands. They are blinded by the light of their so called "Gaian" enlightenment.  It's TOTALLY delusional.  This is the current New Age way of thinking...  Today.  But it's not new. It is decades old if not centuries. Hitler was a new ager . But since time began. It is in fact a mirror of an old battle playing itself out through eons in the free will of human beings. Everything is happening within. And the one with the most ...followers...wins. This is the great decep...


  Wealth In the New Earth there will be no hunger... No poverty and no want. Why? Because we will ALL have enough. Not from a communistic or socialistic perspective .. because wealth will be REDEFINED.  What we see today as precious will not be regarded as precious. You can't eat gold or diamonds or oil.  We can see how this planet is strung out on greed. Exploitation. Scarcity. When in fact there is no need for this. None whatsoever.  If we live in abundance. In sharing. In caring for others. Ubuntu. We are rich.  In Africa it is so rich.. yet it is the poorest most underdeveloped continent on the planet. It must change. But how ? How do we change from a life filled with the survival of the fittest ?  I have spent the last 3 months travelling through Africa from the south to the north. Fourty years first big trip was in1983 before the internet. Today there are a few changes. But war has increased. The wealth gap has increased. Poverty is still here...


  Our Earth is in serious trouble right now of taking humanity and every living thing in a downward spiral towards a mass extinction.  And those who control the seats of power can change things. If they so wish to. But they don't. They want to control power and keep people in suffering...exploitation and darkness. It is nothing short of the annihilation of human consciousness. By ignorance. By greed. And by waste.  But we can reverse this trend by PLANTIFYING the Earth. Putting seeds in the ground.  By not degrading the soil any more.. any further.  We need a mass PLANTIFICATION of Earth. And to this end it seems the Saudis are moving forward faster than most. Yes. We need action.  We need to work together  At this years COP28 to get a global consensus to PLANTIFY the Earth to make it green and clean again.  I have written a book about it  and given a presentation to key stakeholders in Dubai at the highest level.  This is a call for inv...

New Earth Gazette -4 why ?

  Children of the Sun  Children of the Sun  When is the Change a- gonna come ? When shall the MANY be ONE ! When shall the Victory be WON... When shall the Oneness BECOME... When shall the wars be done ? When shall we LOVE every ONE ? WHEN ....??? Sings the Children of the Sun !... SINGS THE CHILDREN OF THE SUN  Whens the change a gonna come ? When shall the MANY become One. ? WHEN? .......... New Earth Gazette 3  Why do we need a New 🌎 Earth ? Why do we fight each other ?  When there's enough land and resources for it land? it honour...?  Is it love?  "If we say live and let live.." -we should also say "LOVE and let 💕 LOVE. !"  Does a man need to prove his strength?  Does a country need to dominate another?  Does a religion need to say.. I am right ?  What is the true faith? It is this.  It is true Freedom.  The right to exist    No matter what you wish to be...🫶  But sim...

I fell in love with a beautiful woman

  What is TRUE love ?- to ULIANA Bashkina / and to all the lovers of TRUE love!  - stay single lol  Is it in or unconditional love? Is it knowing you have fallen over a cliff into an ocean you cannot get out from .. and drowning.. or is it finding a new land your feet on after searching your whole life.  The truth is .. no one knows. We simply fall in love sometimes once.. sometimes twice. Sometimes multiple times.  But the pain of separating from that love .. fro tumbling down that mountaintop is sometimes a great pain indeed.  Some people kill themselves because the pain is too great.  Some people die of heart failure because their hearts cannot beat in the same way anymore. And their hearts actually feel physical.pain.  Others become shells.. living yet dead.  I have seen grown men .. string men.. hang themselves out of the loss of their live.. not their freedom.  Or have strokes.  Or get obese. Fat.  O...

New Earth 3: the road less trVelled

  New Earth Gazette 3 The Road less travelled It's a hard pill to swallow.. but if we don't believe there is a final day.. what is there to think of ? Let's see it from this angle ...Imagine if you will a little Hitler is born in Germany and he's doing all the right things and being a good little boy ..  and he grows up in a different way actually loving the Jews instead of hating them. Well he doesn't have a chip on his shoulder and he father doesn't beat  him. And he becomes a successful artist... And doesn't join the Nazi party. Well... In the end there's no second world war.. no Israel because there's no concentration camps.. and the state of Israel is never born.. they get some land in Zambia given to them and everyone's happy. The temple gets built on an island in Kariba dam instead. So one might say .. how is that possible then ? No war. No bad Adolf. And no Israel ? Nobody gets massacred .... We have a good little hitler and no world war ...